
I don’t write to persuade.

People can use footnotes and facts to lie as easily as to support the truth, so there is nothing special about chasing down every reference. History isn’t objective; it is merely the narrative of the last winner. That applies contextually, so you’ll have multiple competing narratives told by those who won just enough leverage to keep talking.

Most of those doing the talking are trying to herd people into one direction or another. They seek control, to reduce the options for voluntary action under the pretense of modern materialistic democracy. Move the people to get the stuff. When you can escape the damned necessity of the stuff, you no longer need to move the people. You are free to examine other motives for communications.

The valid pastoral message is to set you free, to elevate you above sheep-ness, not to herd you into some pre-defined answer in pursuit of measurable results. I claim that as my mission. I will cite one reference simply to get the thinking started: Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too, by Brandon Smith. Please note that I do no endorse his primary message, but I do like some of the points he makes on the way. He states facts relevant to more than his own message.

Those facts include the false division between what we call capitalism versus communism. Capitalists funded the birth of communism as a political reality, and continue to fund the various states born from communism. It doesn’t matter whether said states any longer fit the definitions, because the labels never mattered in the first place. Smith notes that the BIS is still alive and active, but from behind the scenes, using the IMF and other forces as a front.

Please recognize that, while we may justly admire Putin, we do so the same as might any Hollywood actor: He’s competent in portraying the character in the script. You’ll notice, for example, his image is the Western manly man, not the shepherd in the Bible. Smith has no interest in such things, so after we gather his facts, we move on to a different story.

I still believe that the shadow banking empire hopes to drive us into a global government scenario. Give us enough pain from warfare and economic failure and we might be willing to run in the direction they want. What the people they manipulate believe is not the point. Putin is their agent, and who can say how witting he may be of how this all turns out? But so is Obama, who seems to know precisely who hired him and what he’s been hired to do.

And I still believe the shadow banking empire is subject to all the internal intrigue and partisanship as any other human political entity, so things will never quite go smoothly for them. Their plans may never come to fruition as currently formulated. But we will certainly see a seductive call to global government by folks who pretend greater competence than the current bunch of rulers who have been hired to play stupid, even as they falsely claim competence. It’s a lie within a lie within a lie.

Unlike Brandon Smith, I don’t pretend we can do anything about it. Yes, we can use the advantage of the Internet and free independent thinkers and writers to help us see the lies. But the idea of engaging this beast of global hegemony is another lie. Rather, it works best to simply make what preparations are consistent with your divine mission. For example, I’m gathering truly durable tools I know I will use because replacement is likely to be impossible for a period of time. It’s not that tools will be unavailable, but I expect access to money will be iffy at best in the near future.

I won’t attempt to herd you into a similar course of action. You have to meet God on the terms He sets for you, not the ones for me. Rather, I appeal to you to examine the facts from a quantum moral perspective and let the Spirit guide you to prepare wisely in the normal course of things. We may not be here, but as long as God is pleased to keep us on this earth, we act responsibly with His provision.

What does your mission require?

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