Call for Consciousness

It’s documented if you really want to see it. About a century ago in the US a bunch of wealth industrialists and financiers hired some pointy-headed elitists (a think tank) to devise a means for hijacking classical liberal arts education. Too many people were thinking and creating and trying to find their own path through life. This was not profitable for those plutocrats. They needed slaves and slavery was technically illegal. They also came up some other ideas, like the Federal Reserve Bank and some other stuff, all about the same time.

The think tank came up with a concept stolen from the Fabian Society and Gramsci. That is, the endeavored to slip things in gradually, to infiltrate the structure of education as it existed. The first was to rewrite the philosophical foundations. There was a lot of that going on in academia at the time on all fronts, so this was just slipped into the flow.

Then they got this stuff into the teachers’ colleges and governing institutions that regulated education. They created a bogus “science” of pedagogy and sucked the life out of the whole thing. It was no longer about building a human consciousness, but about conditioning workers to conform. Education become mere training. They succeeded. You can’t even imagine the value of a college education simply as an education; it’s all about getting a high-paying career.

Crass materialism is ugly, but it’s the face of America. Empty souls seeking the next material fix to fill their emptiness. It’s no different from any other addiction.

Fighting this is a losing battle, but only if you still think in terms of the material. The call to the gospel is precisely the same as the call to consciousness. We don’t lose ourselves in the bald pragmatism that has nothing behind it. We climb above that level and cling to a world beyond. This has a thousand pragmatic applications because it sets all things in order as God sees them.

So, for example, I warn my computer ministry clients that the Internet is rapidly becoming more complex. You can’t just hook up a computer and surf. It’s not just criminals, but very powerful government agencies and legal corporate entities acting in a criminal manner. If you don’t approach the use of the Internet with a higher level of consciousness, you’ll end up highly frustrated because your system will be hijacked. This, while the trend to even more mindless behavior is directly encouraged by those forces that want to gain control.

When I talk about quantum thinking, I’m still talking about Jesus Christ. I can’t offer the message of Christ without helping you regain control over your computer, your education and your life in general. The call of Christ is the call to a higher level of consciousness.

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