That Shepherd Character Thing

There’s a place for the shepherdess, but there is a huge, overwhelming need for men to rebel against social mythology.

Guys, nothing in Christ’s teaching requires you to be nice all the time in every context. He cracked a whip; you need to keep one around. Our biggest single problem is the feminist mythology that has taken over Western Civilization. In this case, feminism is a heathen doctrine that says men are first and foremost immature boys in adult bodies, and that without the proper mothering, they’d all be in Hell.

That lie is from Hell. Almost invariably, when church ladies use the term “man up” it’s a reference to doing what they want. Most preachers mean it that way, too. It has nothing to do with what God said He wanted. Screw the Western Christian social orthodoxy; it’s from the Devil. It’s time to bring out the verbal whip and cleanse the Court of Gentiles so men can find God.

The reason ladies are so hot for bad boys is because bad boys are manly. It won’t matter what the lady in question plans for playing the dominatrix at home, her wiring begs for that manly man who can tell the world fuck off. Yeah, sometimes you have to use that rough language to shatter the false images. Behind that rough language is a commitment to God and His calling on your life. When you know what He calls men to, you realize you are willing to pay whatever price to reject Satan’s siren call. You see, the bad boys got that way because they refused to suck up to social myths and all the damned goddesses. They reject prissy middle class demands and paid the price, accepting the alternative “bad boy” role as a better and more accurate model of what they had to be.

I feel sad for the bad boys because they are perfectly equipped to be the shepherds to lead us out of the Valley of Death. They just need to realize that God has touched them and made them manly for a reason, and the world really needs them. So instead of letting them accept the rejection of people who follow Jesus and should know better, let’s point out that these guys have paid the price for a world of evil.

But you don’t have to be nasty all the time. You pull out that whip when nothing else works. You do violence because the sinners won’t get out of the way. No, I’m not suggesting we solve the world’s problems, either. We can’t and won’t, if we understand correctly. Rather, we refuse to disobey God’s will. I realize that raises a whole bunch more crap about what’s good and right and moral, but I’m not supporting the armed rebellion that nearly broke out against the Feds at the Cliven Bundy ranch. That’s just another diversion from Hell, both sides. What I’m supporting is the sort of rebellion against the world that fights for things God’s Laws require and not a damned thing in Western Civilization comes even close to that. Our godly calling is to fight Western political mythology, too.

So it’s all one big package of lies. The very foundation of all of Western Civilization, including Anglo Saxons and the whole European thing, is one big pile of stink in God’s nostrils. That’s the UN, the IMF, the bankers, the Church and churches, and the whole thing. Real men will fight those things. And we fight anything that confuses the image of whether men will dominate in this world, because God appointed males to lead. Any thing that confuses the sexes in any way is from Hell. Not the silly window-dressing of this or that clothing style, but the more substantive issue of what it means to be a man and not a woman. The two are not in any way interchangeable and most of the Women’s Lib crap is about demanding that men stop being men and let themselves be led like mama’s little boys.

Good women are worth dying for, but you won’t find many in our Western world, and precious few in Christian churches. Don’t be satisfied with a bitch who pretends to be nice when she gets what she wants, but listens the call of the Devil to capriciously withdraw her support if she’s unhappy about something. You shouldn’t need an iron rod to rule in your domain, but if she tries to enter your domain and demand changes, don’t play silly games. Kick her out and find someone who understands what it means to be a godly woman. Be strong enough to simply do without if you don’t find one. Be willing to train her, but recognize when you’ve been saddled with an intractable liar. Don’t surrender.

You can be civil and still tell people they can go back to Hell where their ideas came from. You can play the shepherd even when the sheep run off and act stupid, gamboling with wolves and running off of cliffs. You can learn and listen to good biblical reasoning, but only if you understand that takes precedence of Aristotelian reasoning — and the two are not at all the same thing. If you don’t reject the West and all it stands for, you cannot follow Christ.

Men, if you surrender, you deserve your chains.

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2 Responses to That Shepherd Character Thing

  1. Christine says:

    “The reason ladies are so hot for bad boys is because bad boys are manly.”

    Change “ladies” to “girls” and I’m with you. A real lady isn’t interested in bad boys. Admittedly, many females don’t outgrow the fascination…

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