Death March Ukraine

No one but God alone knows how it will turn out. His plans are seldom revealed on such things because the people have chosen to avoid His revelation. Nations are used much the same as natural forces or animals without a clue to God’s intent. Okay, so animals actually do know a thing or two, and we are like the dumbest of rocks.

We cannot pretend our rulers don’t quite understand that their actions in Ukraine are provoking war. We cannot pretend to believe the outright bullshit they spew. The MSM are pretending the fire in Odessa wasn’t murderous arson, suggesting those hiding in the building were actually snipers setting up to attack the opposing group. How do these people sleep at night with such blatant lying? Normal people find it all incomprehensible.

Yes, they do know they are lying. It should be obvious they are piping the tune they were paid to play. You and I sit helplessly watching this train wreck in slow motion. There are so many things wrong with this whole scene that we cannot begin to list the failures. We can only guess where the point of impact will be and what it will look like. Will the bridge collapse first or will the tracks fall apart somewhere else down the line?

Nor can we predict all the consequences, but I sense in my spirit that they will be huge.

God help us.

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