Parable of Boundaries 2

This continues on the thoughts from a previous blog post.

Babies recognize no boundaries, particularly ego boundaries. Older children tend to project their personal boundaries as absolutes, but so do a great many adults. Sophisticated people recognize that boundaries vary widely with context and the people involved. Sanity is discerning what is and is not negotiable in your life.

Civility is a sort of social contract that recognizes boundaries across a wide swath of humanity. It’s the rules and customs by which we prevent killing each other needlessly when living in close contact; it enables us to occupy cities. That’s what civilization is. A significant variation in the rules for some signifies a class structure. Our Western Civilization presumes a certain amount of functional reduction in class stratification as good. Today we have a fairly universal presumption of democracy.

However, functional roles still grant people a change of boundaries. We grant privileges to some because of their role in society, and typically it has to do with government offices. Instead of people born to privilege, it’s based on the vestments of the official role. The notion that we can do away with privilege is a lie from Hell, so we have to decide upon what basis we can tolerate a certain amount of immunity to civil boundaries. Modern Westerners have no interest in what God says about this, so we’ll skip that for now. It’s enough to note what we are facing right now.

We have a privileged class in effect, in that a certain group of people rise to power and immunity and it tends to stick after they depart the office. Worse, the immunity tends to metastasize like cancer, taking over an ever-widening swath of offices. The very nature of how people gain that power is a wide open invitation of psychopaths. The smart ones recognize common boundaries in order to manipulate those who observe them. Government officials and functionaries who don’t bear a native psychopathy gain one by exposure, even to the point of serious schizophrenia. They compartmentalize their souls to avoid having to transgress boundaries outside their official duties. It’s just a job, after all.

Well, we have now come to the place where some of them are indistinguishable from natural born psychopaths. For example, anyone who works for the NSA. There is no limit what they will lie about, nor whom they will lie to. They’ll lie to each other because such is the workplace culture they have built. Think about it: Let’s say your duties bring you into contact with an NSA employee (or CIA or FBI, etc.). You cannot trust anything they say without verification. There is too great a likelihood that it’s their job to lie about something — anything at all. There are no boundaries. You cannot trust them on anything. Ever. They have been caught lying to everyone at some time or another about things that often make not a bit of difference, so far as anyone knows, but the insane culture of their work makes them do it.

Most people can figure that out, for the most part. We know that a certain range of government employees are utterly untrustworthy and there’s not a thing you and I can do about it. But that cancer has spread farther than anyone wants to admit. The whole damned government is that way. You can’t trust your local dog catcher, because the secrecy insanity has crept into everything. The US government has betrayed you already a thousand times and in a million ways, and your state a local officials are hardly any different.

Stop trusting them. Prepare for the worst from them, because it’s all too likely to come all too soon.

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