
First, I’m grateful to all of you who subscribe (now nearly 400) or who regularly check this blog. I am flattered and blessed by your attention. So far as I know, this blog will not depart from the message that may have brought you here. I feel certain the coming days will provide more and new things to write about in the same vein.

Second, I’ve deactivated my Facebook account. Together with a long train of previous annoyances, the account controls failed to work for me and I was reminded that nobody really owns their FB account. It’s there for the convenience of folks who do not really like you and certainly don’t love Jesus. That other FB folks can use it is merely the alleged draw for sucking you into it. What does not serve my mission calling has to go.

Finally, the book I’ve recently made noise about won’t make it. That is, a book on Church Admin alone is not enough material for a book. So the project becomes the book I should have written some time ago: The Practice of Christian Mysticism. If you paid any attention at all to the previous articles about Church Admin, you should have some idea where this is going. I’ll include a lot more material about the whole practical implementation of the mystical approach to Christian religion.

On an administrative note, I’m moving away from the email addresses at (my static site) (now closed). Aside from the Cox address noted a few posts back, I’m also adding a new one from Live Mail: br073n at outlook dot com. That’s lower case BR with a zero-seven-three followed by a lower case N. For those of you not familiar with numerical replacement of letters (hacker writing), it’s the word “broken” — obvious religious connotations.

God bless you.

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2 Responses to Ch-ch-ch-changes

  1. Jay says:

    You’ll me missed on fb, but glad you are continuing things here.

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