Book Progress

The Practice of Christian Mysticism is up to ten chapters now. Most of it will not be new to regular readers, though perhaps expressed freshly. Some of it is drawn from older documents on my static site, some from even older stuff I no longer have posted. The book will refer readers to A Course in Biblical Mysticism and Biblical Morality for what they cover and focus mostly on helping believers to understand and implement a mystical view of Christian religion. This should enable people to rebuild a better personal religion, because I generally avoid theology and religious content itself. The final chapters will echo the two previous posts on Church Admin.

About the only thing puzzling me right now is why I get this odd impression I need to finish up and get it published. For once it’s not the burning urge to get the stuff out of my head; I’ve experienced relatively little of that this time around. Instead, it’s more like I need to get it out there because folks will be needing it rather soon.

Honestly, that thought is just a little troubling.

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