
PCM was a great reminder. The effort to go through it enough times to reduce some of my obscure grammar and expand on some areas where it moved too fast was a real blessing. It reminded me of things that had faded from the forefront of my consciousness.

That some wag posted a mocking review, plagiarizing my long description on the Smashwords page for the book, is par for the course. It’s precisely a major point in the book: We don’t expect folks to like our faith. It’s not persecution, just trolling. I think the book makes it clear it’s not for everyone.

But the fresh effort at formatting back and forth between various types of editors and word processors reminded me that I need to go back to composing the material in a plain text format from the start. It’s easier to stay focused that way. I can examine oddball grammar later with a checker. Pushing the thing back and forth between Word and LibreOffice was a huge mistake, because the latter redefines critical elements and breaks things, and Smashwords can’t process the document into ebooks. So it’s best to write it in a plain format, and then spiff it up for Smashwords using the safest path. Composition with a word processor is very distracting. Besides, it’s easier to shake it all out into multiple formats from plain text.

Just a reminder for you folks: The most valuable thing you can give an author is feedback.

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