Another Day in Paradise

First, you need to understand I’m not all upset. I’m a tad disappointed, but it’s part of the background noise of life in this Fallen Realm.

Sometime Friday while on my great adventure cycling to the County Courthouse, I must have dropped my cellphone. It disappeared and was clearly not working wherever it was. So we called in for the warranty replacement and the deductible was just barely what we could afford. Got the phone today via FedEx — with no battery. Chased all over town and still didn’t get one. At this point, we are right here near the end of our contract and it’s no surprise to me Sprint is having financial problems, because this is just a sample of their shoddy service. So if I can’t get another provider after this, I’ll do without.

There are other challenges at the same time, but again, it’s just the same old crap. And I’m still here and still pleased as punch to serve the Lord by serving you, dear readers.

BTW, I’ll be performing a grand wedding ceremony at the end of August. The bride and groom have opted to do it all in costume. She will wear an elaborate Renaissance dirndl, and he will be dressed as a petty king of the same period. I’ll be all done up like a bishop in white, mitre and all. This will be so much fun!

So you see? It’s not all dreary and nasty.

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