FYI: Yet Another Risk Factor in Windows

Hackers have found a way to incorporate that highly advanced NSA-grade spyware into their criminal malware. Is anybody surprised?

Where computer technology is concerned, my whole mission is enabling the transmission of truth. Anything that hinders that is my enemy, and anything that helps is an ally. That doesn’t make any part of computer technology itself evil or sacred, only useful or not.

So using Windows isn’t evil, but it does bear a measured risk. It’s bad enough that none of us can really stop the NSA if they are determined to tap into our systems. Yes, your choice of OS and software will determine how easily they do that, but unless you write your own OS and make your own hardware from scratch, they already know enough about what’s out there to crack in one way or another. Most of the time, simply scooping up the transmission once it’s on the Net is enough for their evil purposes. Windows just makes it simpler for them to actually create a presence on your system.

But Windows is the dominant OS and for any number of reasons also the easiest to crack. So while the average user prefers it, so does the NSA and the crooks. The point here in my computer ministry is to make sure you are aware of the risks, and to encourage folks to opt out of the dominant ecosystem if possible. It really depends on how much effort and resource God allows you to invest in the issue itself.

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