Another Book Aborning

He said, “I think you are all about bringing order out of chaos.”

I can’t promise that it will be big enough to publish at Smashwords, but there’s a book coalescing in my head. It’s the kind of book I need to serialize here on this blog.

Readers who have been around awhile will recognize how it works: The book writes itself. I don’t sit around trying to think these things up just so I can have something to occupy my mind. My mind is busy all the time, but most of it is unworthy of you fine folks. I’m a man on a mission and what I post here or express in other ways has to pass through the filter of that mission first. A critical element in the whole process is when I succeed at integrating some stuff and discovering a frame of reference that ties that stuff together.

That’s what my perceptive friend meant when he made that comment about “order from chaos.” The first thing I want you to realize is that my writing is not aimed at persuading you to agree with me. Instead, I write to give people a look at the process. Don’t seize upon the results of my philosophizing, but catch a glimpse of how I got there. I’ve never claimed that what I wrote was a word from God in the sense that you need to buy into my answers. I’ve always tried to portray it as an indicator of how God deals with us, so that you’ll be encouraged to find your own answers, your own peace with God.

I do try to link my answers back to divine revelation. I want you to see how “it’s alive and active and sharper than a two-edged sword.” I don’t hide the scars where it has cut from my life something God didn’t want me to have. We are broken in this world and the ideal is fundamentally impossible, even as it remains the ideal. What I hope and dream is that you’ll be captured by your own burning vision and mission to embrace that ground between where we are, broken and dying, and where we could have been theoretically. I find it the most fascinating exploration and I think you’ll like it, too.

It’s easy to get lost chasing all the wrong questions. The ground between us and God’s perfect ideal for humanity is alive, not static and not always self-evident. No two of us can possibly find the exact same thing. Uniformity is not even possible, but the hardest part is helping folks understand that it’s also not desirable. That misunderstanding is a very big part of what I complain about when I discuss epistemology and Western versus other intellectual traditions. Our world intentionally confuses unity with uniformity, and demands the latter. I’m trying to point out how the former is what God offers, and the latter is more a product of Satan perverting God’s offer.

So the working title for now is Expectations, Hopes and Dreams (EH&D). It pulls in a bit more of my assertion that Christian Mysticism is often far more practical than the common Western approach to things. If you eliminate from your EH&D things you could not have and shouldn’t want, you’ll have a much clearer field of view in seeking your own entrance into God’s great offer.

I’ll explain that the trigger was the recent disturbances in the Middle East and Southwest Asia. There’s already an awful lot of facts and ideas floating in my head about that part of the world in regards to history and revelation. I’ve been mulling over how so very many people are distracted by these events and in places like the Ukraine in the sense that they hold EH&D for those places. That’s about as silly as it gets. It’s highly impractical. But in order to point that out, I have to work a bit at exposing all the false EH&D and where they come from. In case you are wondering, this post over on Old Jules’ blog serves as a proximate trigger, the point at which a shadow was scraped off the side of all that stuff in my head and I realized it was something I should address. You’ll note it’s a reblog of something posted elsewhere, but that’s not the point. That post helps rip the cover off some big lies, but that in itself reflects a much bigger problem I feel needs addressing.

So get ready for another book. If you don’t want to read it, stay away from my blog, because I’m going to disgorge the contents of my mind on this stuff for the next few days, at least.

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