EH&D 10

(This is a serialization of the draft for my book, Expectations, Hopes and Dreams. In the book, this chapter will precede the one I posted yesterday.)

Global Deception

What follows was considered common knowledge a century ago, but is now regarded as esoteric. Most of the literature has been suppressed, but is nonetheless available if you know where to look.

We note that “Christianity” as a word means many things to many different people. It is natural for our minds to give words different shades of meaning and importance in different contexts, so it should come as no surprise that the word “Christian” tends to wander all over the map of human consideration. A great many things are given that label that have little or nothing to do with Christ.

The same can be said of other religious words and concepts. Familiarity with non-Christian belief varies widely, and some of it is downright esoteric. Your average Westerner knows little of exotic religions. So it’s on a much smaller scale that the word “Kabbalah” suffers highly varied meanings as well as varied spellings. One need not embrace any part of it to recognize how it is used with such flexibility, and how the meaning behind the word can seep into all sorts of little corners, flavoring the more conscious proceedings.

The term itself arises from Orthodox Judaism. Just a few moments with any good Internet search engine will prove that. There are a handful of canonical writings on the Kabbalah considered Scripture by a wide selection of Orthodox Jews, not to mention other branches of Jewish religion, along with a whole range of Gentile religion and philosophy. Indeed, Talmudic scholars will assert among themselves that the Talmud is Kabbalistic in itself. Complicating things is that Kabbalistic writing itself teaches that non-initiates are not permitted an honest explanation. Thus, a great many people who claim no interest in it are actually strong practitioners. Part of the debate is that insiders use the terms differently, and that outsiders could not possibly divine the meaning. There are conflicting editions of Kabbalistic literature. Further, there are different editions of the Talmud itself in English, with widely advertised versions that are highly edited to remove some embarrassing material included in the more privately published versions.

This could be seen as a perversion of what Jesus meant when He explained the hows and whys of parable and parabolic language. He taught that most of humanity is spiritually dead, in the sense that they are unable to process things above mere intellect and reason. Without any vivid connection to the Spirit Realm, humans are incapable of understanding the non-literal meaning of parables. A certain amount of literary analysis can shed some light on parabolic language, but it cannot possibly capture the broader moral implications. Inherent in the Ancient Near Eastern approach to human knowledge and action is that divine moral law is invisible to mere human talent. We can’t figure out God’s moral character from our human capabilities; it can only be revealed. Revelation itself cannot be expressed in clinical terms because moral truth is beyond human language. The human spirit must be active as a higher faculty to handle this. Only by long study and contemplation in a frame of reference generally long forgotten, or by some divine miracle, can the human spirit be awakened.

It’s not as if Jesus wanted to hide the truth, but that the truth was simply not available without that divine moral spark. We are told in Scripture to assume that God alone can change a heart, but in our interactions with others, we operate on the assumption that they have chosen to exclude themselves. However much any man might grasp without an a priori submission to the demands of the moral truth, a spiritually dead understanding would only work to corrupt him. If you do not first strike your own heart with the flaming sword of revelation, it can serve in your hands only as evil and destructive.

In this sense, the Kabbalah could be described as just an expression of human moral darkness pretending to understand divine moral truth. Could we fully examine the philosophical drift of the Hebrew people over the centuries from the highly educated Moses, through Solomon, and then the sojourn through the Babylonian and Persian Empires, it would be easy to understand the full depth of loss when the intelligentsia finally surrendered to the siren song of Hellenism. Kabbalism is the natural long-term result of perverting the ancient Hebrew mysticism with Hellenistic literalism.

That is, Kabbalah as it is manifested within Zionism is a natural result of influences quite contrary to the revelation on Mount Sinai, because that divine encounter included all the intellectual background that gave it meaning. In order to justify that radical departure, there is a thread of Judaism that insists Moses and/or other actors in his ministry released a verbal covenant code that was the real, secret truth of things. The current Talmud is the collated efforts to push the Hellenistic corruption of Moses yet farther in the same direction. The Kabbalah arose from the very mainstream core of Talmudic studies. Keep in mind here that we aren’t concerned with the actual teachings of Kabbalah, but rather the pervasive effect they have on Zionism.

We are not interested in exploring the various streams of Zionist thought, but the broader wash of influence on what you and I face these days. Kabbalism rests partly on the idea that words can have power on their own. This is consistent with the Kabbalistic characterization of God as just a more powerful Jewish rabbi who goes along with some of their ideas and assertions because they can so very clever. They can legalistically catch God in His choice of words. Whether this is meant as a bit of parable in itself is not the point, but that rather secretive writings indicate that outsiders must not be permitted to know about this stuff. Only the Chosen know how to use it rightly. When the writings indicate practitioners playing sharp this way with God and with each other, no one should be surprised that they are willing to play head games with the rest of humanity.

Nor should we be surprised that such manipulative gaming then flavors a great many other political agendas that are not at all specifically connected to Judaism or the Kabbalah. Such influences need not be entirely conscious. While it may well be characteristic of Zionism in particular, you can find it flavoring the behavior of some Islamic groups and any number of Western political organizations. It appears to work for them.

It’s not that deception was invented by Kabbalistic Orthodox Jews, but that a particular form of deception has become perfected under their influence, whether or not they intended such an influence. The core idea is that reality is subject to their whims in a sense hardly different from pagan magic. Some part of them realizes that reality has never been more than a matter of perception in the first place, so they take advantage of this by projecting one narrative internally and another for public consumption.

This is precisely the ugliness that shows up in some portions of the Civil Rights movement today. There is a collection of in-group words others are not permitted to use. Outsiders who use such words face the accusation of racism. But such assertions are simply racism by specially authorized parties. Somehow it turns out that racism by one group is always wrong, but others are openly encouraged to use it for revenge. It contributes to a class of Perpetually Aggrieved to whom we cannot possibly repay some mythical debt. Yet it seems a form of controlled opposition that plays into their hands when that opposing side insists racism had nothing to do with the current problems. The sane answer is to recognize that racism is the ugly side of our hard-wired need for living in a tribal society.

One of the standing jokes by Jewish insiders is based on the teaching not often noised among Gentiles that Jews consider themselves the only humans on the planet, while all Gentiles are, at best, animals. It is our duty to their God that we avidly pursue any and every Jew, begging to be made their slaves so that we can justify continuing to live. The joke is that if we fail to pursue that duty with full ardor and alacrity, we are then guilty of persecuting Jews. In other words, equal treatment is evil antisemitism because Jews are supposed to be ruling all humanity.

You can easily see this in the preposterous claims of persecution by certain Zionist apologists. This is little more than the False Messianic Expectations of the Jews in Jesus’ day. A critical element in their disputes with Him was that they were already utterly convinced the Messiah would crown them all as kings of humanity, with every Gentile begging to be enslaved to a Jew, while gleefully dragging all the wealth of the world behind them as the price to purchase the privilege of such slavery. This was openly taught in the synagogues of Jesus’ day, and you can catch echoes of it among some rabbinical circles today.

We’d be complete fools to suggest that this is how all Jews believe. Don’t sling the labels around that way. If God’s Chosen reject the mission of the Covenant, we should hardly be surprised that the Devil finds plenty to keep them busy. They didn’t simply cease to exist, but that momentum was harnessed for alternative purposes. This is not about picking on Jews, since plenty of others would be glad to fill their shoes. Nor is it hatred for them or anyone else, but wisely recognizing what’s behind the propaganda labels.

Yes, it’s personal in that individuals choose, but we can characterize the broad agreements in what they have chosen. God has obviously chosen to permit all this, and we’d be fools to fight His inscrutable plans. Nations can choose to obey Him according to the appropriate covenant — Moses for them; Noah for the rest of us. That they reject it does not automatically render them useless in the bigger scale of God’s plans, but guarantees a lot of unnecessary suffering because no one is ready for what God has decreed. God is the Prime Mover and humanity must adjust to His requirements; only those who embrace His revelation can hope for adjustments in our human destiny. There is no righteous nation on the scene. The sorrows we see in our world today reflect the moral results of every nation rejecting God’s Laws for humanity, both individually and as larger political entities.

So we need to see this historical trend as an influence in Zionist politics, and as a pervasive background in all of Western political agendas. When we resist the preposterous privileges these people demand, we should expect to see the Holocaust waved in our faces again with dark echoes of Hitler, swastikas, Nazism and everything that goes with it. I seriously doubt anyone really knows the whole story, so don’t put much trust in any historical accounts. Whatever the facts behind such imagery, it’s far more important to see how it is used. What really matters is that humanity at large cannot ever possibly settle this mythical debt. Somehow we ordinary folks will forever deserve any abuse they hand us and should count ourselves lucky we are permitted to keep paying.

Recognize this. Be aware that we can scarcely discuss it without vast explosions of passionate denunciations as evil. Most of the various powers and authorities, government and private, have been captured by this global deception. It has been forced upon most agencies affecting the human race as the official orthodoxy, even when not clearly stated. Be surprised only when those with power don’t hammer you for the mere mention of this deception.

You can opt out of this big lie. At the least, you should take responsibility for writing your own sane narrative. But along with that, we see points along our path through this life when we can call attention to this big deception as a lie. Be sure you’ll have to discern as best you can how to exercise your option to withdraw while clinging to the mission of glorifying God.

(Readers: I’m especially interested in feedback if any of this seems confusing.)

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One Response to EH&D 10

  1. Linda says:

    It is not confusing, Ed. It is just a LOT of information to absorb.

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