Some Vision

I participate in something that started long before. The dream of returning to a simpler faith without all the added folderol and misguided restrictions has been around since shortly after the last apostle died, around AD 100. The only complication in John’s Apocalypse is the necessity of thinking like a Hebrew Mystic in order to grasp the meaning, because that’s the kind of mind John had when he wrote it. I seek a mind like that.

Scripture isn’t magical with powers of its own. It’s just ink on paper, electrons lighting up a screen. It’s just words until the Holy Spirit incarnates it in your soul. It is the chosen tool of God, produced by people who knew Him, uniquely imprinted with His divine character, but still powerless without His living touch.

So I’m not starting anything, nor defining it’s passage. I’m simply another contributor to a long process that ends with The End. The primary task is communication. Right now I’m still trying to keep track of the front edge of human communications. I don’t have a savvy estimate of what’s coming next, nor some divine vision of what to expect. All I have is a sense of calling, a drive to participate with one single goal: to share my experience with God.

My life is simply one more narrative, unfolding something of God that may not be visible through any other means. While I possess a flaming compassion for those who need more of Him, I confess I am driven more by a desire to bathe myself in His glory. I want as much as He will allow me to have. I don’t want to miss a thing.

At some point the means to communication must inevitably leave me behind. I’ll keep doing what I do best until it no longer matters to God. Then I’ll be gone. All the things I taste here and there in the barest glimmers of His glory will become my new reality, face to face with the God who gave so very much for me.

Care to join in?

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6 Responses to Some Vision

  1. Linda says:

    Oh, Ed! That is so beautiful! Filled my spirit with joy!

  2. thenoveilst says:

    Nice overview…you might find some interesting insights about God on my blog page. Blessed be.

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