Yes! Means “NO” Part 2

Refer to the previous post on this subject here.

So it hasn’t gotten any better. The upper management must have been closely watching. Every time we had a park manager who tried to be close to us residents, they were fired. Now we finally have someone and I still don’t know her name. She made zero effort to reach out to anyone living here, so very few people have even seen her. She hides in her office and dictates policy like some tyrant.

Whatever happened to customer service? Whatever happened to giving a little time to consider the interests of the people who pay her salary? It was intentionally crushed by Yes Communities management. The fellow who called and tried to soothe my ruffled feathers last time outright lied about their intentions. I’m not taking any more phone calls from these people.

So this past week we discovered we had a manager on site because she signed this awful note that was stuck on everyone’s door, loaded with oppressive, unconscionably prissy, hateful rules that do not at all match the community of people living here. I suppose it never occurred to our manager that we already had some community standards and that maybe it was a good idea to find out what we might feel was appropriate. Instead, she rams this crap down our throats and threatens all kinds of fines and punishments.

For Pete’s sake, this is a trailer park in rural Oklahoma. Most of us work for a living and we have to fix our cars. Most of us have more than two adults living in the house and all of them need their own transportation. You cannot reasonably restrict us to one or two vehicles per lot. You cannot be the only community that charges outrageously for the large item removal that every other community gets as a free service. You cannot keep socking us for high rent and give nothing back.

So with all the other hassles in our lives, we now find ourselves facing no bigger threat than our on-site manager. Having shown her fangs first without any other outreach, it is painfully obvious there is no dealing with her. She’s a hateful termagant, wholly untrustworthy. And I am utterly convinced this is what corporate management wants for us. May God have mercy, because I’m praying He gets involved in this evil. I’m not an activist and I won’t be organizing some kind of resistance. I’ll let God sort this out but I’m praying I can find another place to live soon. This is just intolerable.

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