More Senseless Comment on Social Inanity

Gamers don’t own the Internet, but they are closely allied with those who do.

In the face of genuine masculinity, there is only so much a feminazi can do. Her magical powers fail and she throws a hissy fit. She’d rather destroy the universe itself than take what she can get. It’s the same tired, old Anglo-Saxon matriarchy with far less wisdom. Not every goddess mythology is inherently harmful, but the European Oester worship is hateful against reality itself. Whatever it once was or could have been, it was hijacked by the most intransigent and hateful harpies to ever rise screaming from the pits of Hell.

But if you prefer less mumbo-jumbo, just read up on Game and the so-called “red pill” manosphere stuff. Nothing beats field-tested human behavioral science. The only real misogyny is feminist mythology.

This is far more than the institutional failure of modern Western feminism. It’s easy to write it off as needing reform and reinvigoration, as if it were simply the cyclical flaw of a revolution now mainstream and institutionalized. No, it was utterly stupid and unrealistic in the first place. Worse, it merely adds fuel to the fire as Western Civilization consumes itself from the inside.

This is naked culture war and reality is winning. The forces involved are complex and not easily understood by pulling at the various threads. It’s more than mere market power, though it surely includes the reality that gamer nerds assert a powerful market presence. If game companies want to keep selling games, they had better not prissy up everything or they’ll have to close their doors. And this business of pretending there are no girl gamers is just truculence itself. There was plenty of nail polish on the controls of Mortal Kombat.

Has anyone noticed that, despite all the efforts of government nannies, the Internet is still the domain of free information? You think it’s all about child porn, drugs and terrorism? The people who keep the Internet alive via how they spend their money in support of the backbone system — the Internet is by far mostly privately owned hardware and corporate infrastructure — will do what they do and all the screaming and yelling only serves to harden their resolve.

You’d be shocked at how much network espionage is mere hacktivism. Some significant portion of virtual breaking-and-entering is some gamer nerd asserting his will the only way he knows how. You’d be a fool to think otherwise.

Yes, the stupid games are another version of fantasy, not reality. But you’d be shocked also to know most gamers know the difference between their fantasies the the reality of persecution. Most feminists are utterly clueless, and they are in panic-mode because their political influence is dying.

It’s more than the simple materialism of market purchasing power. It’s more than the silly entertainments of boys in adult bodies. If anything, that is hateful dismissal of manhood calling for something that our materialistic society seeks to kill. It’s the ultimate reflection of prissy middle-class suburban nest-building to destroy adventure by putting helmets and knee-pads on cyclists with training wheels. There is no sin in climbing a cliff without ropes, of hopping a bicycle across mountain ridges, diving from cliffs into shallow sea coves, or just playing a swashbuckling game on the computer. If those are sins, it’s time to end humanity itself and take away the mere possibility of comfortable nests. The whole meaning of role playing games is the human quest for significance, not stupid nicey-nanny social conditioning. Feminism is the ultimate expression of materialism.

I’m not a gamer unless you count PySolFC as “gaming” in that sense. However, I’m not a materialist, but a Christian Mystic who understands something of the moral laws God wove into this universe. This man-hating perversion of Oester feminism has already lost the battle and can’t even comprehend defeat. Journalists were long ago hijacked by the feminazis and game journals are still stupid journalism.

When someone calls for “raising awareness,” you can sure it’s the sound of chains, lies and a zombie existence.

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