Ebola Extrapolation

Close your eyes.

Climb down inside your soul. If you don’t find God there, you certainly won’t find Him outside of yourself. There will surely be a lot of conflict and question about how well you listen to Him there, but the principle remains: No one can prove to another objectively that there is a god.

That’s because the concept of objective truth is the first and biggest lie of all. Ultimate Truth is inherently subjective. If you don’t have a grasp on it, and it doesn’t have a grasp on you, then it might as well not be there. It’s not enough to conceive of something external that is trustworthy. That’s just a basic lie we all absorb from our environment. It’s the most egregious, heinous deception in human history.

Further, if what I splash on these virtual pages doesn’t call your soul, then it’s just wasted electrons. I strive to reach past your ingrained conditioning to help you find your own identity, to shed the imposed mythology of others. The motives of those who shaped you is not the question; it’s a question of whether it helped you. It’s more the motives of those who were behind them and behind the story they told you.

If your ultimate value is the glory of the Heavenly Father, then it’s for certain you will end up in the right place. You can’t possibly be what you were yesterday, and the functional truth of that time and place is no longer functional today. But the center of things most certainly is not outside of you; the center is you and Him together. He cannot possibly be known indirectly, as some external fact. So in that sense, the center of the universe is inside of you. If you start from any other center, you will be off-center. You’ll be blinded by a false line of sight toward the truth.

And just about the only thing you can really discuss about God is His moral requirements for living here and now. Such is the substance of all revelation. You will surely know Him in ways you can’t discuss with anyone else, but what you can share with another is His demands on you. There is surely a commonality there, because a critical part of His demands is that we discuss them. His revelation assumes there has to be something we can share with at least one other in this world.

I can’t tell you what’s really going on with this Ebola scare. I’m not a medical expert, but I am an expert in government immorality. No matter how dark and evil the portrait I draw of those with political power, it won’t be half the story. I’m not party to the medical facts, but I know for certain that those who do know them aren’t the only voices we hear. The biggest liars are those with the power to compel us to act on their narrative on the pain of violent penalties. The people in positions of earthly power and authority are hardly unanimous in what they tell us. Having seen that every one of them has lied in the past, and lied egregiously, why should we trust them on this?

If God intends to end your life with Ebola or something else with a different name, you have no power to argue. If God intends to keep you around a while longer, no power on earth can harm you. That’s the ultimate truth of life here on earth.

So what should you do? Turn back inside yourself for the truth. Extrapolate from your moral convictions. By no means should you listen to the mainstream scolding of people around you, nor their fear mongering. Could it mean you suffer and die? And what of that? Death is just a circumstance in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If the truth of what you should do is not written on your soul — inside your eyelids, as it were — then you won’t find it anywhere.

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