Mission Support Stuff

First, I’ve got a prayer request. After struggling with repairing our Jeep, we still have some trouble. It randomly stalls out and won’t restart until some cooling off. I’ve checked with experienced Jeep gurus and it comes down to stuff like proprietary electronics that no one has any business repairing on something built and first sold in 1996. It just about gets my wife to work and back some 5 miles one way. Most of what I do is on my bicycle, but that’s simply not an option for her. So we need something in better shape, and it will require the funding to match. Pray with us.

Second, I’m about finished with final edits for the Kubuntu book. David Mattichak has asked me to get it ready for Lulu publishing (print on demand), too, with his expert help, of course. After that I’ll be working on another Ancient Truth book covering the Wisdom Literature (minus Psalms and Proverbs, each of which warrants its own volume).

Third, for those of you keeping track, I’m running Scientific Linux 7 — one of the remaining RHEL clones — on one of my systems and it seems they’ve fixed all the stuff that annoyed me so much with RHEL and CentOS 7. All the stuff I’ve already posted here still applies across all three of them.

God bless you all.

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2 Responses to Mission Support Stuff

  1. I think that your work on Open Source OS will be a great help to people and I am only too happy to assist you and your cyber-ministry in any way that I can. I see that you are fighting the good fight Ed, and you shouldn’t be fighting alone.

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