Prayer Request: Car Parts

Update: A donor has covered the cost of the part. God bless you all. We should be up and running again sometime tomorrow (i.e., Saturday).

Original post:

Our delightful Volvo is in trouble. The alternator died. We’ve got about half enough to get one right now, so pray with us that we can come up with a solution. Otherwise, we wait a week until I get paid. Perhaps you know that the issue is complicated by this thing called a “core charge” — they want the old one in exchange for reducing the price. So if I take the old one to the parts house in town that has one in stock, it’s around $230 (US).

The nice part is that our insurance company covered towing it home. The not-so-nice part was that the sheriff’s deputy wanted to impound it right away since it was sitting part way on a busy road when it died. We managed to stall until our tow arrived.

No, I’m not sad or in a panic. God is good and He does these things so He can show off how His people handle it with aplomb. But some of you have said you wanted to know when stuff like this happens, so now you know.

Meanwhile, we are getting stuff on this thing fixed as quickly as possible. When it’s all done, we still will have paid far less than market value, parts included. Again, the Lord is good.

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