Here It Comes (Updated)

Just a quick note for astute regular readers: Holy Cynicism Time.

On a busy weekend night when folks were likely out celebrating Valentine’s Day, the NYTimes reports a story about bank hacking that saw major losses that could rise to $1 billion before it’s over.

It matters because this is what the US government worriedly said might happen some day, and then suggested we might need to regulate the Internet better. Of course, we know that means restrict it more with draconian controls. So who wants the bet we don’t start hearing about proposed regulations this next week coming from at least the US government, if not a bunch of others, as well? It won’t matter whether this is fake, a false flag or entirely real as reported, because the results will be the same.

No, I cannot predict whether any of it will affect this blog, but I’d say keep your eyes and ears open. Also, never forget: We who follow Christ are prepared to exploit any sorrow, trouble or disaster for His glory. Be His people on this earth, Brothers and Sisters.

Update: As more people study this thing, it begins to look like the NSA and friends were simply attacking the Russian banks. Not that it won’t be used for my alleged likely purpose, but it makes that scenario slightly less likely at this time.

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One Response to Here It Comes (Updated)

  1. forrealone says:

    Interesting. Glad we bank with town bank, not that they couldn’t be affected, but……..

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