Two Wings of the Same Vulture

It became popular some years ago to refer to the two primary US political parties as the red and blue wings on a doomed aircraft. It didn’t’ matter which color you favored, the destination was the same. Only a fool fails to recognize the truth in that.

It’s a very old con game to take down a victim. One pretends to be your enemy and the other your friend, but they are working together for the same goal of manipulating you into something to benefit them and harm you. When you multiply the victim times millions of people, it doesn’t change the technique, it just adds more drama. You gain a wide range of folks who buy into one story or the other, in varying degrees of useful idiocy. Meanwhile, the elites at the top are competing on a different structure entirely than what we see portrayed in the press.

That same con game is everywhere you look. I downloaded and read the original 2009 version of Which Path to Persia from the Brookings Institute. It’s dreary stuff, but you can find it outlined in many places on the Net. It lays out the strategy of broad based warfare against a range of nations that have the audacity to operate independently from the US and her allies. All it does is formalize previous long-term plans, and there has been scarcely any departure from it since publication. One of the better sources for tracking this stuff is Tony Cartalucci’s “Land Destroyer” blog. In a recent post he noted that the current noise about Obama threatening to shoot down Israeli jets attacking Iran is just an other aspect of that old con game — it’s a false story.

The folks using this obscene script already know that all they really have to do is create a plausible story. Anyone who objects too strenuously would face their “justified wrath.” It’s part of the popular mythology that they fear rioting and revolt here in the US, but I’ve long believed that was another bogus story. Here again we have the effect of two con-men manipulating a victim, in the shape of controlled opposition, particularly the activist-conspiracy press. The victim is a subdivided mass and each identifiable group has faces their own brand of manipulation.

Recently the “resistance” activists have been making noise again about the alleged Clergy Response Teams organized by FEMA. The story goes that a bunch of clergy have been seduced, and perhaps even subtly coerced, into agreeing beforehand to assist FEMA in calming the populace when martial law is declared and folks are rounded up en masse for detention in camps. This extends an older story based on the alleged REX 86 and all those FEMA camps that nobody can find. Yes, I’ve seen the list and, locally here in OKC at least, it is preposterous. That doesn’t mean that the US government has no camps at all, and wouldn’t round folks up into those camps. They’ve already done it, but it was ad hoc. Remember Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans? It’ll be better organized next time, but that’s a picture of how our government acts. Especially should you remember the horror stories about blocking aid sent by WalMart, cutting emergency communications cables for isolated communities, and other forms of unconscionable oppression.

The hateful actions by FEMA weren’t all planned and coordinated so much as the natural result of hiring psychopaths to run things. Psychopaths are particularly poor at organizing competent agencies because they tend to hire the lowest grade of idiots with meaningless degrees who can be manipulated and controlled with ease. So what you have is FEMA composed of incredibly incompetent and stupid people who only understand taking control and keeping it at all costs to the lives and safety of folks they “serve.” One more time, readers: This is the norm.

Meanwhile, there is really very little support for the myth of the Clergy Response Teams. You’ll find a single news report dating back in 2007 from a station in Louisiana that actually talks about something else, but it confuses the story to make it sound bigger than it is. Some local fire department organized an emergency Clergy Response Team of their own through the work of a couple of volunteer chaplains. It’s the usual meaningless community coordination stuff you’ll find all over the world that tends to fall apart because it rests on fairly informal agreements hashed out with folks who often move on before anything happens. So when they actually got some partial cooperation from clergy who lived in areas not heavily damaged by a local emergency, it somehow morphed into a sinister plot. The only other evidence was cooked up by Alex Jones at Prison Planet. There is a packet of documents assembled into a PDF that looks like a sinister plot, but is actually pretty weak evidence if you know anything about the way clergy operate.

And FEMA hasn’t bothered to confirm or deny the story officially, so it smells like the usual noise and hype that was actually promoted behind the scenes to feed the propaganda machine. In case you aren’t already aware of it: Alex Jones serves the same folks who are pushing for war against Iran. Without their support he would have been in jail or dead long ago. Genuine informed opposition gets you killed if you can’t be marginalized.

Let’s get this real: Mass round-ups of residential populations work only when there has been a disaster that makes the local dependent class unhappy. It requires a critical mass of whiny-butts. If FEMA tried to pull a Katrina on the area where I live, there would be a significant armed resistance and they know it. They at least understand that much. They knew the portion of New Orleans flooded was loaded with dependent folks. I’m not too sure the Corps of Engineers didn’t allow the flooding, or even encourage it, for that section of New Orleans. The government is loaded with people who would do that sort of thing if orders came down the chain. But trying to create a panic where folks are more independent minded is wasted effort, and I’m pretty sure the FEMA folks know that. All the more so when you have some idea how thinly stretched are the personnel necessary for that kind of control even in communities likely to panic. FEMA had to hire mercenaries to disarm that small section of New Orleans they targeted for evacuation. Don’t try that in my neighborhood, even if a tornado rips the place apart and cuts off all services.

Nationwide martial law won’t happen. Most folks won’t riot until directly threatened, and I’m quite sure the federal psychopaths know that. So what’s more likely is simply bumbling along until a real disaster hits and then pulling back into their hidey-holes while their minions are slaughtered. Meanwhile, the majority of the population will simply come up with plans to rebuild and keep life going. At some point, the same underlying cultural biases will see another system in place that will beckon with open arms to the next crop of psychopaths.

As long as you don’t get wrapped up in the hype, you have some hope of going about your business for the most part. For those of us who have a mission from God, that business is pretty obvious in almost every context. My point is that you should expect some dramatic changes in the propaganda. Meanwhile, we will see some continuing problematic shifts within the government controls in terms of how they affect us. The net combined predatory nature of those running Western governments as a whole will not stop until there is nothing left to take from us with relative ease.

The global economy will collapse, but only in terms of how it’s currently wired. People won’t stop all economic activity, but it will become difficult when the convenient means of exchange disappears. The people pushing for warfare on their “Path to Persia” aren’t worried about that, and tend to believe they can force things even when the system breaks. They’ll resort to direct seizure of property and labor, for example. If they are careful, they’ll get away with it. At the same time, they will be competing against a few other, less well known projects of similar ambition.

Wise as serpents and harmless as doves, we should be ready for anything that comes as we seek to exploit all Creation for His glory.

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