
Spring has come to my part of the world. My yard knows it and is sprouting afresh. There is even a protected patch that is already long enough to need mowing. Sadly, this means the woods have stopped calling my name. They don’t like to see much human traffic during the warm season, so the place becomes heavily infested with biting insects. That includes deer ticks, known to carry dangerous diseases in these parts. In just a few weeks poison ivy will be everywhere. There are more welcoming forested areas, but the one nearest me becomes a little hostile in favor of other forms of life.

I’ve been poring over the documents currently stored on my static site. Most of them are now somewhat irrelevant to what I teach. I found out that WordPress allows me to upload PDFs, so I’m reworking some into that format. The Studies in the Law of Noah will become another book, probably retitled something like “Christian Law.” Too much has changed since I wrote that back then, so I’ll have to modify most of it. I’m still planning on studies in Proverbs, too.

Part of the problem is that whatever made me sick really tore down a lot of things. Or maybe I should say it coincided with the need to tear down some stuff on a different level, and it all came crashing down at once. My energy level still sucks right now, but I’m improving.

I still bear this long term burning desire to find Christian fellowship among the folks in the military. I cannot pretend to guess how God might make that happen, but it’s where my heart is. While I believe it signals something important, the gap between where I am and where that is represents a huge void in my mind. The brain simply cannot measure the distance, so I’m keeping it from trying to guess and from trying to implement anything at all. It remains one of those nebulous prayer requests.

The roofer should be here tomorrow, so I may not have anything to post. Still, I love you all.

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One Response to Interim

  1. wildcucumber says:

    Tearing down can be good. You have to make room for the next thing. Not that the next thing is ever exactly what we expect or hope it to be…

    Warm weather is bringing a rapid melt here and the menfolk are looking worried. The mayor’s called in the heavy machinery to try to get some of the snowbanks off our street and a steampump (?) to clear out the drains that are backing up. Talk about tension!

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