Archives Upload 2

For today’s selection, we have some good ol’ philosophy stuff.

Logic Games: Doctrine of the Fall is an example of how to fend of Aristotelian logic games against faith. I introduce the important concept of Category Error for those who are familiar with the list of logical errors that can show up in debates. In this case, we show the weakness of a popular Jehovah’s Witness argument against the doctrine of the Fall.

A Quantum Spirit is an explanation of my use of various terms such as “quantum reality” and “quantum morality” as a way of showing we need not be experts in Antiquities to live by the sensory heart. Rather, it is discussed in more modern terms.

As always, these documents are available in other formats; just post a request in the comments or send an email and I’ll email the item back to you. We have Open Document, Word (generally 2003), plain text, and others by request.

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