Salty Heart

I’ve often said of politics: We have no dog in this fight. Whatever you see on the political landscape is what politicians want you to see. It’s theater, deception, manipulation, but entirely bullshit. Most of the popular political causes are pushed forward, then pulled back again, in a cynical act of keeping the masses fooled. That’s what “consent of the governed” is all about.

My politics are from the Bible, the ANE feudal-tribal social and political structure. I summarize it thus: No one has any business telling you what to do unless they are related to you by blood or marriage. Given the theoretical impossibility of seeing that in our world, there is no reason to be involved in politics at all. If it’s not God’s way of doing things, we should disengage as much as possible and stick to His revelation as much as He enables. Our ultimate concerns are otherworldly. By being disengaged from any care or concern how this crap turns out, it’s much easier to watch and understand what’s happening.

Not a single official or agency of the US government serves us as a whole. There are sure to be things we like and things that do us good, but that’s only incidental. The officials and agencies are committed to other constituencies. The background is crowded with competing greedy oligarchs and the only thing that keeps this whole thing running is a pact to play by certain rules. You don’t get to join the club until you actually belong to the culture and buy into the customs. The system weeds out those who don’t belong.

So while I might like the idea of Obama reducing tensions with Iran, you can bet he’s doing it because one of his constituents will profit from it. It has nothing to do with how bogus is the whole narrative about Iran seeking to make nuclear weapons. If you know enough about nuclear technology and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, you know the propaganda is hogwash; Iran is incapable of making bomb-grade uranium and couldn’t gain the capability without very expensive direct assistance from one of the major nuclear powers. But none of that is pertinent to what’s actually happening with the talks and the agreement just announced. Obama has no real interest in what’s true or false, only what his sponsors tell him.

Otherwise, broadly speaking, most of the conspiracy theories you are likely to read on the alternative news sites have an element of truth. That is, all of them are true at the same time, despite offering highly conflicting scenarios. That’s because each narrative represents a different oligarchical constituency. They play by the same rules, and they all hope to sheer the sheep, but their agendas conflict. Some will win and some will lose, as has been the case all along since at least a couple of centuries ago. No one identifiable agency wins all the time, not to mention that no particular multi-generational agency has maintained precisely the same agenda. These are real people, with genuine human weaknesses, but also with power and money we can’t imagine.

So while I tend to agree with this assessment of things, you have to realize that there is some limited commercial interest in telling us. Whether or not the advice attached to this warning would benefit you is not the point; the writer stands to gain financially if you take his advice. A measure of skepticism is obligatory simply because it involves humans.

Take me with a grain of salt, too. I could be wrong; it’s certainly happened often enough in the past.

A critical element in the book I’m currently serializing here is that you should learn to evaluate with the intelligence of your heart. Don’t trust your brain for the whole story. If you can’t sense the moral fabric well enough to get a feel for which narrative, and which parts of the various narratives, you can afford to accept, nothing you do will turn out morally appropriate.

I believe in this enough to give it away. The ads on this blog benefit WordPress, not me. You can block them for all I care, because so few of you will do it that it will have no discernible effect on WordPress’s bottom line. So long as WordPress can stay in business and they don’t kick me off their servers, this blog will continue the same way. That doesn’t prove I’m trustworthy; it reduces the barriers to giving me a fair hearing.

And I say: Listen to your heart. Don’t buy into the political activist false morality. Political activism isn’t pointless, but it is committed to the wrong point. We aren’t going to stop abuse, deception, rape, murder, etc., at large. The political system is ultimately under God’s control and He permits for His own ineffable reasons what we see today. It’s crazy to fight His agenda, all the more so when we cannot possibly understand more than the broader applicable moral grasp He offers.

Oh, and I personally expect the dollar to crash starting sometime this summer. That’s just my opinion, so keep your salt shaker handy.

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