Heart of Faith: Chapter 5

(This is from my wife.)

I never thought much about the relationship I have with nature; it just seemed natural. I was all ways able to talk to dogs and sometimes other animals. It just seemed as I grew up that people around me put a damper on hearing most things of that sort. Nonetheless, I still could have a relationship with dogs and cats.

One day I meet the man God had chosen for me. I knew in my heart he was the one, but others tried to stop me. I waited on God and Ed made the move first. It was not the kind of love where fireworks go off, but I could hear in my heart he was for me. It was one of the few things I knew for sure.

At that point I still didn’t have the full awaking of my heart to hear and see things as God made them. Recently I have made an effort to recover that gift. I’ve begun to feel and hear things again. I can walk into a store and hear things calling to me — food, herbs, supplements, etc. It’s consistently things that my body actually needs. The results are proof enough of that.

I also hear the different songs the birds sing if they are happy or sad. I can feel things changing in the world and my heart gets heavy. I don’t hear the trees talk but I can touch one and feel it’s pain or if it is rejoicing. I’m still growing and learning how to use this gift.

Veloyce Hurst

My wife is not a writer, but she isn’t kidding about allowing her heart to interact with sources of nutrition. She also uses this gift when cooking and gets rave reviews. Most food was once a living thing, and there remains a residue of morality in it for help and harm. At Creation, God granted us the means to know what we should and shouldn’t eat based on what our bodies could tell us about our needs.

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4 Responses to Heart of Faith: Chapter 5

  1. forrealone says:

    ‘I can feel things changing in the world and my heart gets heavy’. I know. It hurts. Thank God He still can be seen/felt/heard nonetheless!

  2. wildcucumber says:

    Way to go Veloyce! Good to hear your voice in this. It’s definitely a gift that grows and changes as we do.

  3. Paul says:

    I love the way you write ! From the heart.
    God Bless
    Paul Guttadauria-Cucumber

  4. Veloyce says:

    Thanks everyone.

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