Another Mission, Method and Means Comment

I wrote in my private journal:

There is a big difference between making Open Source your religion, Linux your sect, and the computer your church versus using these things as important tools in your religion. I call my religion “Kiln of the Soul” but it seems my heart demands that Debian specifically, and Linux in general, play a very important part in what I do as the means to opening the door to the gospel.

There was a time when I was trapped in the common mindset of the Linux fanboy. It included a lot of work in FreeBSD, but that was just another flavor as far as I was concerned. At some point I grew sick of the cultic madness and walked away from the whole thing. Once I was free of the weirdness, the Lord called me to bring back the use of Linux as merely the best tool for what lies ahead. I’m not even really sure what it is that lies ahead, but I’m determined to obey.

So you should expect to see more frequent posts about computers for a while because this is the current focus of where the Spirit is working in my life.

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