Teaching the Young

If you follow what I teach here, you realize quickly how powerful it is. At the same time, you realize how few people will taken interest. It’s a paradox that those of us who understand Creation and God’s revelation best are the ones least likely to fit into the dominant society. We are the aliens, yet Creation itself loves our company and chatters noisily to us.

So it was particularly pleasing when I discovered the kid next door loves this wild food business. I helped his dad and loaned them some tools a few times for automotive work, so we are on good terms in the first place. I don’t pry, but the boy probably isn’t 12 yet. I was teasing him once and mentioned that there was food at his feet in their yard. He actually wanted to know what I meant, so I pointed out henbit and chickweed. He loved the taste of chickweed, so I promised to show him where to find the berries and plums that grow wild here.

Today was the day he was ready. We sprayed on my natural insect repellent and forged off into the untamed wilderness — there’s lots of undeveloped land here. Our trailer park is a foreign intrusion of civilization into a very large patch of natural Oklahoma foliage. I showed him first how to identify the early crop blackberries, where to find the best patches with the biggest berries. I also helped him find the sand plums and he managed to collect a healthy sample of each. He also now recognizes both types of blackberry and what their seasons are. I also mentioned persimmons and we discussed mulberries, but — alas — the latter are finished in this close vicinity.

He enjoyed himself immensely and thanked me duly.

Maybe some day I’ll be in a position to teach him how nature is alive and how to hear it with his heart. For now, though, I’m sure he’s way ahead of the other kids in this park. A critical element in what I teach is not choking folks with too much too soon. We hide nothing, but we don’t rush to cram down their throats things that won’t digest easily.

Be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the faith that is within you.

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0 Responses to Teaching the Young

  1. forrealone says:

    That is sooooo sweet! Young ones are so eager to learn about Father’s world. It is a joyous gift to be able to teach them…..