Alien Citizens

Let me suggest a couple of contrarian links for the day, if you are so inclined: a little on John McCain and Donald Trump.

Regular readers will know I’m not all that interested in politics. Rather, I’m interested in how things play out on a very high level — not an intellectual level, but the higher moral realm where the heart alone is capable of reasoning through reality. So I’m not prognosticating about the process itself, but warning prophetically what seems likely based on my limited grasp. This is not a prophecy in the sense of foretelling the future, but prophetic in the sense of warning how things go based on my admittedly limited grasp of His revealed character.

Some years ago I offered a warning to a few friends who were inclined to liberal politics. Because of my intimate exposure to the full range of conservative political activism, I sensed where things were headed from a prophetic moral aspect. My concern for my liberal friends is that they were at risk of blowback. That is, by making liberal noises, they marked themselves as targets for the future. While lefties love to unleash herds of badged and armed lackeys, righties carry their own guns.

Then as now, I am utterly convinced that America will descend farther into her own peculiar brand of fascism. While it matters little which major political party holds the official positions, it will be some flavor of fascism either way. There is some slim chance the Democrats will retain power, since they’ve been trying so hard to decimate their opposition through overt power grabbing and a vast unreported sea of trickery. It’s not that Republicans aren’t deceptive, but their tricks are of a different nature. Each side pretends their own brand of morality is the norm. However, I tend to think the next campaign will see a Republican administration.

It’s the typical propaganda game. While one side decries the very real crimes of the other, once in power, nobody has time to correct the criminal policies or hunt down the perpetrators. There are often very noisy investigations, but the result is whitewashing one way or another. The real emphasis is divvying up the loot they expect to gain later. So the Republicans will not roll back much of any bad policy that really matters, only the facade will change.

But because the atmosphere of doom and threat is rising geometrically, the very real threat to life, liberty and property for us plebes is serious. Ostensibly, those who run to embrace the flag-waving civic virtues will demand the threats be vanquished and traitors punished. Not the real traitors, but the ordinary lefty folks who seem to support the treason. There is nothing more oppressive than a propagandized fascist who wraps his Bible in the American flag.

So the real question in Republican politics is who can best marshal the voters, whose collected rhetorical noise best resonates with the plebes. And just who is in the lead right now in polling? The jockeying will continue apace and we shall see who wins eventually, but in broader terms, it matters little. Given the mood of the times, those most likely to win will unleash a wave of domestic terror, either overtly or by simply refusing to restrain the popular anger. Indeed, the campaign will be won on fear and anger. And it’ a fearful and angry bunch of gun owners we are talking about. It’s not that Democrats don’t have them, too, but the common run of people you encounter daily means the bulk of “progressives” are anti-gun and the other side is an armed camp.

On top of this, I reiterate my contention that racial conflict is critical to the game. Despite the noise you might hear from the press, the real game is pitting blacks against Latinos — “Let’s you and them fight.” However, the actual ethnicity is immaterial. It just so happens we have a lot of blacks and even more Latinos on hand for this diversion. Whatever their sense of identity, it has to include a sense of being oppressed, so the propaganda seeks to instill divisive fears and anger. Once any two groups are turned on each other, it gives the rest a good reason to shoot at both sides.

There’s something to offend everyone.

No, I don’t expect a massive civil war, but the background incidence of bloodshed will surely rise. It will be made to seem like civil war when that serves a purpose, and smoothed over when something else takes center stage. It’s not so much that righties will start shooting lefties, but will find some way of threatening it. Just enough of them will actually do it to create the fear. This will set things up for the next pendulum swing, should the system hold together long enough.

Brothers and sisters, we are not a part of this system. It’s all around us, but we are not of this world. Our enemy is the fallen nature we see in the mirror every day. Our mission is to see however much truth God can knock into our hard heads, while we make a concerted effort to subject those hardened heads to a true leadership of the heart. The only peace you can possibly have is inside. Take back America? It was never ours; Satan built this as another diversion. The only thing we can say we actually had at any point was a false dream about something that would keep us from seeing the moral fabric of reality. Let it go. Keep your eyes on the City whose citizens will never die.

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