God Blows the Whistle

This should be an easy doctrine to absorb: Be sure your sins will find you out.

This goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden when God characterized the unjust bloodshed of Abel as crying out to Him from the ground. We understand on a moral level that the very fabric of Creation is woven together from the threads of God’s own character. When people sin, reality itself will tell on you. A critical element in God’s glory, in His revelation of His character, is exposing our sins. He exposes them to us first, if we remain sensitive to His character, but to all the world when we choose to oppose Him in any way.

In Scripture we can also see that God is in the habit of revealing His wrath against sin when it piles up to some intolerable level that we could sense if we were in tune with moral reality. His followers have no excuse if this catches them by surprise. But a critical element in the wrath that falls from Heaven in the exposure of sins people thought were hidden.

As always, these things come about in this world as tendencies, not as legalistic discreet justice for every individual. God shines His glory on His Creation; what He deems fit for exposure on that basis is what will be uncovered in public.

Thus, no one should be surprised by a sudden rise in whistle blowing. What might move the different individuals is a question for a different level of consideration; on the broad moral scale of God’s reality, it’s the exposure itself that matters. For those of us capable of sensing these things from the heart, there is far more than might be obvious to those whose hearts sleep. For example, when some government official or other mouthpiece goes ballistic on something, you know there’s hidden sin being exposed in the life of those most offended. So keep your eyes peeled, because somebody somewhere is telling on them, and the folks exposed are trying to direct attention away from their sins.

People who take themselves too seriously are hiding something in the dungeons of their souls.

As one who is very much in favor of open information on the Net, I frankly rejoice at the recent exposures, the doxing and dumping of purloined data. As I’ve noted more than once, in terms of cosmic morality, if you digitize it, don’t pretend it can be kept secret. If someone else digitizes private matters without your permission, that’s another matter. As a general principle, all digital data is public sooner or later if the storage is connected to the Internet. That’s God’s Law.

Rejoice in His wrath on sin.

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