Open Letter to Yes Communities Management

I publish this letter here because I know there’s not a snowball’s chance in Hell you would ever listen, anyway. Conversation is pointless because you’ll just lie, same as always. What follows is not based on formal surveys and polling, just a very strong sense of community outrage among my neighbors. We are utterly certain you hate us.

So we are returning the favor. Yeah, we hate you. You aren’t a part of us and you’ve made it abundantly clear you despise us for not being just like you. It does no good to discuss morals and ethics because you aren’t even on the same planet as us ordinary trailer park trash.

Your recent hate mail postcard simply proves the point. No basketball goals, trampolines or bouncy houses at children’s birthday parties? No wading pools? Don’t tell me why you feel that’s appropriate because it doesn’t matter; we receive as egregiously spiteful malice.

If your local managers have any sense at all, they’re going to fail to enforce these new policies with anything approaching vigor. Sure, you know how to demand that the front gate looks pretty, and the office building gets renovated, but you can’t be bothered to patch the craters in our streets. You can’t be bothered to recognize economic realities that we cannot make do with two parking spots. People with jobs need cars and a place to live and we will simply park in the grass. We’ll hang our laundry outside where it’s not too obvious and leave the kids’ toys in the yard. Oh, and you can’t be bothered to deal with the young thugs who tear up or stuff. It’s funny how you quickly fired all the managers who knew how to keep that stuff under control and replaced them with idiots who don’t give a rat’s patootie about us.

Yep, we’re just a bunch of trailer park trash and you can pretend you’ll roust us out and replace us with prissy assholes like you, but it ain’t gonna happen. Most of us aren’t activists of any stripe, and virtually nobody will tell you, so I’m letting you know. This isn’t war or rebellion. Most of my neighbors are passive-aggressive and will simply do what they can to avoid hassles while taking the measures our lives demand of us. Most of us have no where else to go.

Meanwhile, we are convinced you hate us, so the bulk of those who pay the outrageous rates (for damned little in return) and make your fat-cat prosperity possible will probably not think good thoughts about you. And who knows? Maybe there will be some breaking point when it gets really ugly. I have no idea because I’m not like that; I’m just the messenger.

Update: As you might expect, the reply from Yes was the standard corporate crap, citing the most improbable excuses for clamping down on humans being human in a residential community. In other words, it’s all about investor profits, human nature be damned. Meanwhile, I did get a traffic boost from whomever passed it around in their offices. Somehow I don’t think it will be a blessing.

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