Not the Apocalypse, Part 1

We don’t care whether it was the chicken or the egg that came first; it won’t make any difference on the moral plane. We know how it works here and now and mucking around with it only causes problems. God has provided and we must use it for His glory, not to serve the false god of human pride in accomplishment. The moral fabric teaches us all we need to know about life, if we only listen.

Never mind whether I call myself a “prophet;” the Lord has granted me a prophetic temperament and the net effect of my ministry calling tends to be prophetic. This ministry includes all the talents and skills I bring to the task here and now. It’s not always easy, and sometimes is downright pointless, to separate between the various influences inside my soul that lead to the written results on this blog. When I can discern that something I write is pure personal speculation, I’ll say so. When it’s a strong application of Scripture, I’ll try to justify that with my explanation. Sometimes it’s not so easy to explain that way because our culture lacks both the language and custom for what God’s people once regarded as the norm.

I’m still struggling with the lasting effects of the loss of that legacy of how God speaks to His servants. When you read this blather, you’ll likely participate in the struggle in deciding how to use it. My attempts to describe in clinical terms the experience of God working in my awareness don’t always make for easy reading.

In our struggle to find the human norm that God designed for us and revealed in His Word, I find we are often hindered by imagery that may echo the Bible, but is so highly filtered through our Western mythology that it becomes disfigured and perverted beyond recognition and certainly beyond usefulness.

For example, in the past few days I’ve been hit with a powerful moral anticipation that invades both my sleep and waking hours. Until I had ruminated over it and shared it privately with a few close friends, I wasn’t sure how to share it with everyone else. In one sense, it was hardly new and prophetically hard-hitting. It’s been discussed since Roman times as a human tendency. It’s been examined over and over with all the varied tools of human academic and moral analysis. Try to avoid seeing this as God having sent one of His angels to me at some particular time and date with a specific dispatch of prophetic revelation. Rather, see it as God working with my human background. Sometimes something will hit me out of the blue, as it were, when it was actually a very ancient moral truth to which I just now caught on in some new and meaningful application.

Maybe it will also be fresh and new to you, and at the same time, it may also be a new meme for us to face the coming days. At any rate, this is what struck me a few days ago: I have a strong vision of elitists preparing to declare some new policies which will, in effect, criminalize a large segment of the population overnight. Some range of normal human activity will suddenly become illegal for no valid reason whatsoever, and it will provoke some pretty ugly resistance.

Sure, nothing dramatic there. Indeed, most of us are under the impression the ruling elite have file drawers of this kind of crap just waiting for an excuse to shove it down our throats. It’s their nature; they can’t bear the idea that we commoners should conduct our affairs without their (s)mothering. It’s been going on since before Roman times, but it seems Rome first perfected it’s use as a means to spitefully pissing off everyone at once. The elites will tell us its for our own good, but we can see through the veil of pretense, even if the elites themselves are blind to their own hatred for us.

Still, I suppose the reason it might qualify as a timely word from the Lord is the business of the ugly resistance. We’ve seen only a little of it in most of what gets our attention these days. For example, I’m wondering just how far California can go with mandating vaccines for adults before it causes a backlash that really makes world news. Could it be Californians are so used to this abuse that they’ll just make some token resistance and play along for the most part? I’m sure you can think of other examples.

It’s entirely possible that you’ll experience this in one or more areas of your daily existence, but for me, I sense this thing applies especially to something in the field of computer technology. Even if you have little real interest, perhaps you can read through this and absorb something of the pattern for things you consider more important. I’m separating this into parts because it’s a bit long, and also so that casual readers who don’t subscribe can still make use of it.

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