Moral Clarity, Befuddled Reason

This will sound at first like I’m wandering, so buckle your seatbelts.

A significant portion of the global elite have made a religion of melding mind and computer. You’ll run across the term “singularity” most often in this context, where either computers can become conscious or linked directly to the mind so that human learning becomes a mere matter of transferring data. This is tied to the notion that there is nothing above the human intellect except more intellect or a better version of intellect. You’ll see the same nonsense in lots of Science Fiction.

I teach that all of this hearkens back to the Fall, where mankind believed the lie of Satan that human innate ability could handle ultimate truth. All it has done is take us farther and farther from genuine insight. This is the same false God of Pharisaism and of Western Civilization as a whole. In every age of recorded human history, the single point of failure is this same particular brand of hubris: We refuse to submit to the Flaming Sword guarding the path back to Paradise. Paradise itself is merely an image of the human condition as God intended it, as God created us to have.

You can’t get there without that Sword of the Spirit. And you can’t use the Sword of the Spirit until you first turn it on yourself. Specifically, you have to undo the Fall in the sense of returning the intellect to its designed function of serving something far higher. It’s at this point that human language breaks down and we are forced to rely on parables or symbolism for things beyond the grasp of intellect. Even in my attempts to use clinical terminology, it still ends up being something other than literal. At the same time, I assert that God placed in us a form of intelligence and consciousness that exceeds mere intellect. You cannot activate it fully without surrendering and embracing the self-death of revelation.

Any HOWTO I offer will remain little more than my story, my personal awareness of a journey from where I was to where I am now. The best we can hope for is to make such narrative indicative of things you can experience in your own terms. You have to reach your own personal consciousness because God is a Person who works with individual persons. There is no intervening objective body of truth that we can all share. The closest we come to that is a characterization of how it looks in this fallen reality when folks begin to share a common realization. That is, a community of people with some measure of similarity in their background experiences can overlap just enough to fellowship and commune like a highly spirited and raucous household. That’s about as good as it gets, because any more uniformity than that is almost surely false.

“Domestic peace” is a relative term. It implies a commitment to common welfare that reflects a fundamental stability, in that the people involved do care. You can’t regulate that by rules every well, though you can just about get it to work if one person becomes the focus of guidance and leadership. Unanimity will be rare and usually applies to things of no consequence, or it applies in a very subtle “blood is thicker than water” kind of rowdy love. Except, in God’s design, it’s the Blood of Christ that binds us, not mere DNA. Christ warned the arrogant “Children of Abraham” that the Father could turn stones into such progeny. That kind of parable has multiple applications on multiple levels because it’s a moral truth that stands above our fallen realm. The point is that this bogus Abrahamite crew shared no more with their acclaimed progenitor than the rocks on the ground did.

You want peace by human rule? That happens only when everyone is dead. If the system in which you live was designed by a human mind, it cannot last. It is not a divine plan. It stands in opposition to God’s revelation simply because it’s not what He said. God designed and created a setting for His revelation based on Ancient Near Eastern feudalism. That’s not a system, but a relationship. If it ain’t personal, God isn’t pleased. But because of our mythology of objectivity, that’s how we structure things. Thus, if you want to understand what is happening in human politics on a moral level, pay attention to the systemic changes, not so much the people involved. People without God are not free moral agents, but are steered unconsciously by higher moral influences. Human behavior cannot escape fundamental moral boundaries.

The Internet or something similar will survive any upheaval because too many of the ruling elite have made a religion of computers as god. These people aren’t going to go away; they are a solid part of the human future. They don’t think like or hope for the same things as the old ruling elite, and they are just as rich and powerful. God has granted to Satan the authority to raise up this next civilization of technocracy — that’s my prophetic sense of where things are going. But there’s a lot of stuff that has to crash and get out the way first. Don’t focus on the people, because plenty of them will make the transition. Instead, notice how the very banking elite themselves depend on the networking, and that networking is controlled by the rising priesthood of geekery.

It’s not that this somehow forms a literal fulfillment of John’s Apocalypse, but that it fits the moral pattern that John revealed in his symbolic imagery. Humanity will always be ruled by a combined mechanism of king and priest. The bankers (rulers) cannot afford to alienate the geeks (priesthood) and vice versa. There is no loyalty, just a mercenary bond, and it’s pretty shaky. That is, the geeks are smart enough to play various would-be kings off against each other. For any ruling elite to stay on top, they cannot afford to let some usurping gang gain an advantage over them by pulling away the geeks. But the geeks cannot rule by themselves without sacrificing their unique position. Rather, you can expect them to throw their support behind anyone that takes them seriously.

It is, in effect, very much like having a shaman to appease the various inexplicable forces and keep away the bad juju. Precious few humans are able to master both political power and full technology expertise in one brain. Those who do are usually smart enough to avoid playing the pointless game of politics itself, but use that skill in managing other kinds of human enterprise. The time is not right for that kind of shaman-king.

Yes, the imagery breaks down at some point, but I suppose you’ll get the point. Don’t invest yourself fully in anything attached to this realm. All Creation is a tool for His glory, so recognize that you can exploit any and all human activity in the same broad sense if you can see the moral forces at work. Feel free to use my blather any way you like, if it appeals to something in you, because that’s the way God does business whether we like it or not. People who try their hardest to sell you something and scrape off some income will, to say the least, miss out on the most precious blessings of God’s hand. They have traded moral authority for material income. It’s not that they are necessarily lying, but that you can’t trust them. They have already chosen to focus on the wrong level of understanding.

Yes, I tend to think a lot of status quo will change in the coming months. That came to me first as a broad perception in my heart. It may not be that soon, because even if the bankers and/or other elite are plotting any kind of action, God can change their plans on His whim. Rather, I sense the moral tension in the universe itself. God has clearly revealed that He suffers nothing from our temporal sense. Time in the Bible is a matter of “when the fruit ripens” and not rational scheduling. Maybe I’ll see world turmoil just in time for my birthday (18 September), but that doesn’t make the timing morally auspicious, just whimsical. Instead, we should recognize that more than one big lie is running out of room to lead us all on a merry chase after nothing.

Learn to sense things with your heart-mind. Shift your consciousness to a higher level where morality (God’s character) is the fundamental fabric of things. Learn to ditch the Anglo-Saxon mythology that influences us. For example, God is not a grouchy Nordic deity and the world is not a dark and dreary place. Death is not your enemy and youth is not your friend, much less a goddess to worship. This world is nothing more than a moral staging ground in one sense; in another sense it is a beautiful gift of God loaded with giddy blessings and all manner of things pointing us back to His character. People don’t have to think like you and talk like you to be your brothers and sisters.

Learn how the virtual world is different from meat space because God has great things to do in the future in the virtual realm. You have to be ready to work in both worlds by understanding what He says is real. Don’t trust your senses and logic too much, but do learn to trust that inner voice that will not be quiet. Even if you get the message wrong, especially in the early stages of transition, learn to trust that voice of moral perception.

Got it?

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