Heart Memories

But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you. (John 14:26 MKJV)

Don’t assume this somehow limits what the Comforter can do with your memories. When I came home from the military in 1993 with my knees all bunged up, I was conflicted. It wasn’t on the surface, but eventually it all came out. However, it was not before I ran through a lot of other experiences. That included returning to college for a teaching certificate, eventually moving to a rural area of south central Texas and being stuck there until Hurricane Rita chased us out. During that whole mess, I was driven from the role of former Military Policeman and fedgov cheerleader to hapless church music director driven from his ministry by bumbling federal thugs. I was for awhile fervently anti-government, as you might expect. Eventually my theology training blossomed anew and I moved way beyond my professors, ending up here with this blog.

In recent months the Lord has pulled out from my compartmentalized memory things the military in particular, and government in general, allowed me to see. Please don’t see this an attempt to inflate my credibility. In the final analysis I can only tell you what the Lord has done in my life. Part of the weirdness of my military experience was rubbing shoulders with people who carried very high security clearances. I try to avoid talking about the particulars. There’s a fine line between divulging secrets and using that information as analytical background. Nothing in the law keeps me from telling you what follows.

For example, it is a general principle that various federal agencies engage in PysOps (Psychological Operations). There is a bunch of stuff out there on the Net that was planted as leaked secrets and it’s pure bullshit. Keeping the general population afraid is a very old trick, older than the United States itself. The US government has been using this longer than you might expect. That old story about REX 86 is mostly nonsense. Some of the pictures are taken from Military Police training sites, not actually usable as detention camps. A part of my training in the Military Police is detention camp design, construction and operations. Those camps are not real.

Furthermore, the long list of FEMA camp sites going around includes a couple of places right here where I live. Both of them are impossible to use as FEMA camps. I can only guess that most of that list is bullshit. But let’s pretend they are real for just a moment: All of them together aren’t big enough for the number of people likely to be swept up according to the stories you can read. The kind of people described by the warnings is a number way too big. When I lived in Texas, I became acquainted with some of the folks who would be likely candidates for that kind of action, and in my area alone were too many for any single camp on that list. These are folks with FFL Class 3 permits.

If just 10 percent of those folks showed up armed at some point of interest, there would not be enough military and police forces combined to face them. In a genuine revolt, the US government would fold in just hours, while the elites hide out in their bunkers, impotent to regain their control of the outside world.

We do still have a problem with FEMA and things have not gotten better since Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. But the only people held in those awful conditions inside the Superdome were folks who weren’t smart enough to leave town. That was a targeted operation to drive out a certain class of folks from a certain neighborhood. Very few were anything like you and I. It’s not a question of whether they were good or bad people, but they were vulnerable in ways we can hardly imagine. The city government had already said they intended to clear that area out, and we have credible testimony from witnesses that the dikes were allowed to collapse. The hurricane was just the excuse they needed. FEMA and related agencies are all about control and dehumanizing the victims, but they will back down from genuine resistance.

Note: God’s wrath includes an increase in natural disasters. It’s not some general round up that FEMA plans, but localized when disasters give them an excuse to take over.

What we are up against is worse than any FEMA camp roundups. The economy is already going down the tubes; the Dow Jones is not the whole story. It also has precious little to do with China. This stuff is very complicated if you didn’t study economics and/or business; I taught economics in high school. I’m not smarter than you, but I can see the dynamics and ignore the propaganda. I could write a long explanation about why things are okay where I live, with new McMansions going up all over out here in Eastern Oklahoma County. But we aren’t a very significant portion of the national economy except in terms of the lower end of essentials. We do food and petroleum; that’s about it. Our petroleum is pretty cheap for now, so the oil price is not killing us yet.

But the big stuff that makes Wall Street pay attention doesn’t happen here very much, so it may take awhile before we start feeling the pinch, if at all. Some things will simply never shut down. Most of the US population is packed in cities where the big money stuff happens and it ain’t happening so much any more. Local economies can do well, but the US as a whole is crashing. It’s a long, slow crash, but it’s already started and there’s no turning back. Businesses with little room to run are already closing; more will follow. Some are run by folks smart enough to simply resize and keep running. The biggest issue will be debt, of course. Still, look for the MSM to sow panic when it serves a purpose.

What happens when things appear to get really bad in any country? The people become ripe for fascism. It’s a fake moral revival, something that typically resembles a religious revival. Do you suppose there are any movements already waiting in the wings, since everyone could see this coming? The religion industry grows from fear, and people are afraid. It’s not just a rise in crime, but crazy crime. People are going berserk as our highly artificial world comes apart. But it won’t really be that bad, just seem like it.

If your heart is running the show in your life, the Blood of the Lamb is already on your door posts. The crazy will pass you by, even if you still have to face some of the effects on other people. There will be some measure of protection, but it will match His calling on your life in this season. The Holy Spirit’s memory goes back a lot farther than ours, so you can never tell how He’ll guide you.

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