Clarity in the Context of Coming Tribulation

If your fundamental assumptions are materialistic, then it won’t matter what flavor your political, social and economic theories are, you will always get things fundamentally wrong.

Freedom-Index The image here (click to enlarge) was derived from a typical college course on political theory, so you can steal it for whatever use tickles your fancy. It posits a cruciform dual axis of theories about control versus freedom. Notice how the proper structure God revealed in His Word is nowhere to be found (characterized as Ancient Near Eastern tribal-feudal). Each of these different choices here sacrifices some elements of revelation in favor of some other elements, as if they could reason their way to which values matter. Yet, by forcing it down into the realm of mere human intellect, the result is artificially compartmentalized no matter which way you go.

The result depersonalizes and dehumanizes the people involved and makes God a mere afterthought, who must then restrict Himself to choosing sides or He becomes irrelevant to the whole question. Meanwhile, there is no path to balancing human need with real limitations, only the assumption that we must seize control and fight with anyone who differs from our choices.

While the Global Research website is essentially socialist, I can recommend this rather long article on the the nature of the Syrian conflict. There’s little actually new here, because we all know the whole point of Western meddling in that part of the world serves the dual agenda of Zionism and control of petroleum resources. Rather, this helps to clarify afresh how that dual agenda applies to all the noise in the media about the fashionable issue of the day.

Please notice that The Cult doesn’t really care about all the details. That is, they would be equally happy with Russia and/or China serving their ends as they have been with the West doing it. Since the West is now so deeply in debt that it’s grinding to a halt, it’s time to shift the emphasis to some other proxy that can wield power and influence toward Cult ends, until that proxy has been bound up in debt, too. It’s all about the debt and making sure everyone feels they have too much to lose if they depart from the system by which everyone agrees the debt is valid. And should folks figure out ways to resolve this debt and free up resources for actually living, it will be time to draw them off again on some other materialistic wild goose chase.

The other issue is that The Cult must continue playing these games by their own rules. Feeding their self-image as masters of the human race, brute force is not the preferred path. All this crap has to come via some pretense of manipulating the human race, mostly through mass deception. While I have noted previously that the Internet makes it possible for us to rip this cover off, The Cult has generously invested in multiple controlled opposition voices that do seem to dominate the conversation. Not just the fake liberty movement, but various leftist agendas, Greens, neocons, Zionist Christians, etc. There’s hardly any room left for those of us with no activist leanings to discuss what we see. We can talk, but no one much will pay attention.

Nor is that we have nothing to do but chatter. Our mission is to keep the focus on God and His revealed truth. But it’s a heart-focus, not a matter of intellect and measurable results. We want to reduce the distractions inherent in this plane of existence, for ourselves, if no one else. So I have collected a few extra cans of food, for example, because I don’t want the initial chaos of change to keep me from scrambling just to eat. I’ve gathered a few other kinds of things I know I’ll use in most situations — a new wood chopping ax and electric chainsaw, an additional bicycle tire and tube set aside, etc. At the same time, I’m clearing out stuff that I am certain I won’t use. All I can do is estimate and trust in God to direct my heart and keep my mind subject to it. What matters most is the desire to bless His name and be faithful in the process of things.

As part of the picture, I’m counting on government to change radically here as the US loses her position in the big game. I maintain my prophetic assertion that things will get more difficult and Western governments will become increasingly oppressive in new ways. At the same time, the ways and means will change as resources get tight for government officials, too. The context will redefine what constitutes a satisfactory level of control, simply because some portion of what has been possible in the past will no longer be possible.

The point of that prophecy is rather subtle. It’s not that we sin if we resist, but that we should avoid being put into a position to resist. Seek your own heart’s wisdom and prepare your mind in advance to avoid conflict. Don’t measure the boundaries by reason, but by your heart. It’s not a simple calculus of whether submission or resistance brings a more desirable outcome, but which is the best way to glorify the Father in that moment. But in general, we seek to avoid getting bound up in something that so quickly leads us away from the voice of our hearts. Even if all your preparations bear no fruit at all, it’s the choice to listen with the heart that matters. Walk in the light you have; seek holiness in the context as it comes upon you.

God is sovereign; His glory is paramount. You can participate or get run over, but you can’t dodge the hand of God.

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