A Third Consideration

I can’t pretend my future clients will of necessity be any kind of believer. In that previous post where I offered a preview of some of my computer tech support curriculum — CompSec: Compartmentalization — I held back on an overtly Christian concept which forms the third consideration.

3. Maintain the means to virtual faith. Our faith is our calling in Christ and we need to make sure we can keep putting that message out there. CompSec is being faithful with what God provides for your virtual mission in His Kingdom.

Somewhere between saying nothing and Western styled frantic sales pitching, we have to find a meaningful expression of faith in every activity. It’s how we live, and each of us must find our own unique way of living it. Your narrative is not mine, and you shouldn’t try to use mine. You can’t just shovel my stuff at folks who seem to need something; you have to develop your own way of making that faith meaningful.

That means you also cannot use my solutions for everything virtual.

I’ve made it pointedly obvious that I prefer Debian with XFCE, but I know that is too much DIY for most computer users. Instead, I hope to show the majority of them Kubuntu, the shortest path to Linux for most folks. So I keep that installed on my service laptop so folks can see it. In case you didn’t know, Ubuntu also has a server disk they offer separate from their desktop stuff. It’s about as easy as it gets for installing and configuring the various services most outfits need. That makes me pretty much a pusher for Canonical’s software (the company behind Ubuntu, Kubuntu and other related OSes).

But while this is the expression of my faith, it’s not essential to our parish or religion. It’s just what I do to pursue God’s calling for me. As long as you are at peace about how your faith goes out over the network, nobody but God can tell you what you should use. When I rattle on about that stuff here, I’m just trying to help those who also feel called to use it. At the same time, I’m trying to draw a few folks who know they need help with this stuff and might discover they like the help with faith, too. God uses search engines to guide others here.

Most of all, know that I serve as an example of what God can do if you persist in chasing after His glory. If you want to know what He made you for, keep asking, walking through the various levels of answer you get until it starts to make some kind of sense.

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