Immoral Collusion: Church-n-State

I’m not sure what to make of this — Churches Are Paying the Gov’t up to $100 a Month to Spy on Families! As one comment said, this is kind of the “hair-on-fire” stuff we see all the time. I didn’t chase all the links. As with most things, a little skepticism is in order. On the other hand, this is an example of why your virtual pastor’s only link to a physical religious organization happens to be the informal church that meets in his home. This article describes a level of compromise that makes me raise my own cynical eyebrows.

Maybe you’ve heard of FEMA’s effort to raise and army of compromised pastors (“Clergy Response Teams”) who would herd their own parishioners into surrendering everything FEMA demands during any officially declared emergency. However much of this is factually accurate simply extends that sort of thinking, making the church serve the secular state.

Whatever the facts behind this, look for it to spread.

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0 Responses to Immoral Collusion: Church-n-State

  1. forrealone says:

    I followed a few links ….. Things just keep getting stranger. I must admit; not surprised at anything anymore nor alarmed. Just glad I am free of any attachments to any establishment.