CentOS 7 32-bit

Yes, CentOS 7, the current release, is now available in 32-bit. You can go here and find the latest ISO image release, and it’s official.

Keep in mind something: The support from EPEL and the likes of Nux Desktop repositories is not there, and may never be there. That means you would have to prepare yourself to build all that stuff from SRPMs or straight source bundles. However, the basic development packages are all there in the CentOS repositories.

It’s quite an education to learn how to use RPMbuild and how it informs you of various prerequisites. Sometimes it was tedious, but I learned a lot about cascading dependencies, building a couple dozen packages of things I would never imagine were needed just to get something simple. Perhaps some enterprising person or group will decided to share their properly built stuff, but I’ve not heard of any so far.

But if all you need is the basic workstation or server stuff and don’t have 64-bit hardware, CentOS is ready to carry the load for several years before you have to worry about upgrading the OS itself.

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