A Long Way from Home

The biggest lie is a half-truth.

The whole of Western Civilization was inspired by Satan to destroy the full depth of a biblical culture of heart-led living. Westerners imagine that they can be so deep and wise because the foundations of our intellectual heritage slices off everything that requires you get personally involved in God’s revelation. God revealed Himself as a Divine Sheikh because that’s how He wants to deal with us. We are hard-wired to live in that Ancient Near Eastern feudal relationship with Him. You can choose to keep it shallow, but He invites you to join into His personal counsel because that’s the only way you can really understand this world. Western heritage claims that reality is not so personal, that we should handle it as impersonal and objective. The cosmos, as part of Creation, is intensely personal in nature, and the only real path of depth is to engage it in that fashion.

So while the Western individual is left standing alone to shape his own destiny as something malleable in his hands, the biblical individual is never alone, but relates to his destiny as a living thing itself. The biblical soul accepts destiny as a gift from God, a partner in His service. The only part we can shape is our depth of involvement in the joy of seeing clearly what God is up to in His Creation. Even our thoughts about clarity can be wrong. Such clarity is not merely on some sliding scale that we can dial up or down, but is a living and breathing thing itself that we can feed and nurture or let wither and die. Westerners struggle to breathe life into their fundamental thinking, but that’s how God talks about it in His Word, so pay attention to that factor. The very frame of our thoughts demands a major revision before we can really claim our divine heritage in this world.

Allow me to refer you to this Western attempt to correct current social mythology. If you like what Brandon Smith writes and it starts to feel good doing as he suggests, I’m glad for you. It’s certainly better than what we see dominating the cultural landscape of our day. However, I warn you that he doesn’t go far enough. What he suggests is only slightly more mindful than just coasting along with dominant social and political trends. It’s a start, but it won’t take you anywhere. He says you can make a whole new world in the next generation, but the one following that will simply head back down the same bogus pathway our world is already treading now. The problems he describes and attempts to solve are little more than backing up to some earlier point in the same road that is Western Civilization. His suggestions aren’t radical enough to answer our real need.

If you confess the God of the Bible, then cultural and intellectual baggage is not a mere matter of taste. The proper use of intellect in serving our Creator is not found on some smörgåsbord of flavors to delight your palate. You cannot walk closely with Christ from a Western mental approach. He’s not there. That territory leaves you in Satan’s domain.

Brandon Smith fits right into the American “Red Pill” Men’s Movement stuff, sometimes referred to as Game Theory of Socio-Sexual Status. While some elements of the literature does approach biblical morality, but it’s just new clothes on the same old secularist approach. The only reason you find any Christian involvement is because Western Christianity itself has long been compromised simply by being Western. Christianity is an Eastern religion, folks; Jesus was an Eastern man. To Westernize it is to destroy it’s fundamental nature. While it is possible to bypass embracing the whole cultural package of Eastern living on this earth, you can’t do that until you understand the Eastern nature of the Bible so as to “rightly divide” the elements that should be taken as context. Whatever it is the Red Pill guys seem to want is not consistent with Jesus’ teachings.

I can’t make this a simple jump for you. Peeling away vast layers of bullshit requires a serious investment of your human consciousness, a heavy time commitment. When I wrote that book about Biblical Mysticism, it was just a highly summarized introduction. It could be enough for most readers, but only if you think of it as a warning to leave the path you are on now and seek another way. If I abstract such discussion by talking about Quantum Reasoning and Quantum Morality, some of my readers might begin making the required changes, but a great many others will simply dismiss it as trendy chatter. However, the whole point is that it won’t matter how you pave the path if you get back to the truth. If we can just get folks to start operating from the heart’s mind and logic and stop relying on the intellect as the measure of things, I have no doubt Our Creator can fill in all the blanks. Your heart is already far wiser than anything I can put into words.

Go ahead read the Red Pill stuff; it’s certainly better than where our world is right now. However, it is still very, very far away from reality as our Creator made it. Use the likes of Brandon Smith and his approach as the first step in a different direction, but don’t stop there. If you can’t see the difference, then either you aren’t paying attention or you lack the background for recognizing it. I can’t make this any easier for you.

Start on a new path. Go ahead and camp out on your new discoveries until it’s familiar, but don’t build a castle. Keep moving; you have a very long way to go.

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