
Just a personal note…

I rode my bike to the VA today. I waited a couple of hours in the prosthetics department to be evaluated for some kind of orthotics. This involves measuring my legs for an apparent disparity in length. Turns out my left leg was just about 1/8″ (3mm) shorter, and the official answer is to try heel lifts first. All that means is a hard foam wedge of that thickness is cut and shaped to fit in my shoe under whatever insole liner there might be. The technician gave me a spare as well.

I can tell you that my stride seems more natural, but my left heel is complaining at the unexpected hard presence inside the shoe. You can’t win. However, I can assure you that if it takes pressure off my right hip because the pelvic girdle is now better aligned, I’ll be happy with all that other stuff. It’s funny how the littlest things can affect so much of your body.

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0 Responses to Orthotics

  1. wildcucumber says:

    Oh gee, I had that pelvic girdle thing, mine had slipped out and stayed out of position. It went on for years before anyone figured out what it was and it was agony. So you have my sympathy for that, big time. Mine started with a foot issue as well. Eventually an intuitive physiotherapist taught me a simple exercise to realign the pelvis when it would slip again, which it rarely does anymore. Yes, once the gait can be kept stabilized it really helps. Complicated things, humans.