New Old Vista

Has anyone else noticed that, since Vista is only valid for another year or so, that Vista users aren’t hounded with the Win10 upgrade nonsense? Also, consensus of heavy-duty security folks is that Vista was the most secure and private version of Windows so far.

I suppose that’s in my favor, because Debian kept choking on hardware issues on my laptop.

Because my computer OS is not a part of my religion, it’s not as if I have face some kind of conversion experience to use Windows on any of my hardware. I still think Linux is better, but it’s not going to work on every machine. I’m still running Debian on my netbook, which now becomes quite valuable for that reason. But this laptop is what God provided and I’m going to use it for His glory. It’s no threat to His reputation if I can’t run Linux on it. I’m not going to waste time chasing 300 different Linux versions; that’s just a wacko obsession.

By the way, there is a thriving community of Vista users determined to keep it viable with or without Microsoft support, same as there is for XP, Win2K and even Win98. You can find them if you know where to look. So I’ve got a year to see what God can do, but in the meantime the ministry must go on.

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