Moral Order of Things

Eternity is not merely time without end; it is life without time.

God’s will is not some static and inexorable destiny for all Creation. His will is the moral fabric of reality itself. Even our freedom within this realm of existence is constrained in ways we could never comprehend, but we do have a range of choice open to us that includes ignoring God’s revelation of His moral character.

Some particular action or choice that was right yesterday is wrong today and we may never comprehend on this side of Eternity what was involved in changing it. Nor could we pretend, even in theory, that there is some calculus we could know if God were simply more forthcoming, or if we were simply more precise in following His revelation. Creation itself is alive and morphing around us constantly. It’s not a calculus but Life itself.

When I bought that Dell Studio it seemed proper at the time. Maybe it was, but now it has become a millstone. Not just the keyboard, but all kinds of little things that are simply not consistent with the way God calls me to work. Then again, all of that was surmountable until some recent shift in the winds of moral discernment in my soul.

Can you not see how this is an answer to the prayer request? Maybe not the one I expected, but an answer nonetheless. It’s not that such news holds any significance in itself, but this is one more implication of the lesson on condemnation. When you approach any question, including those arising from the mere mechanics of human activity, you cannot let yourself become a slave to human reckoning.

Consider this: Some issues in my life are a simple matter that I can’t get there from here. I have to go somewhere else first. There’s this thing called pre-positioning — getting myself in a better place to see something that was previously out of the line of sight. Passing through this or that particular hassle helps me ditch habits that won’t fit the new situation. Because I’m so flaky in the first place, God has a chore on His hands getting me straightened out. You can say I’m flighty and unreliable, but God still calls me to feed His sheep.

Oh, and I still have my netbook (Latitude 2120). It’s not as fast, and certainly has a smaller screen and keyboard, but it’s much more reliable. After all, it’s only a matter of tools for His glory. While some tasks are challenging on this thing, there are always other computers in this household I can use. Ideally I would have a desktop for certain functions, something that doesn’t have to do much but sit there and work when I need it. When it comes to serious writing, which seems the most important task for now, this netbook is fine.

We take what God provides and keep our eyes on His glory.

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