In the Cosmic Jail

Pay no attention to the propaganda until you start from the assumption that it’s propaganda. Back off; divest yourself of any interest in taking sides. When you operate from the divine moral plane using the moral logic of God’s character that is alien to Western society, you don’t buy into the categories and labels. You simply note them for what they are, as attempts to short circuit moral convictions and hijack the drive we naturally seek for shaping our lives.

Forces of Darkness use human agents to hold the veil of the Curse in place so that we cannot see the light. Our human nature is wired to seek a sense of conviction to guide our mental processes. Darkness supplants that with a false conviction, all the while convincing us that we are guided by reason and logic. It is merely a false belief that we can be ruled by reason; what’s actually happening is that we are still ruled by convictions, but disconnected from our heart-mind, supplanted by the mythology of objective reality.

Set aside the mainstream narrative of history. For example, the birth of the KKK in the South was merely an alternative means for the existing government to assert their previous agenda in competition against the new ruling regime in Washington, DC. Both sides of this conflict were evil men answering to their lust for unjust power, different uniforms on the same team, whether they were conscious of this or not. But the idea of the Klan seemed useful for the tiny handful who were aware of this basic truth about unjust power. So in our day and time, the KKK is just a fake “rebellion” that is designed to capture a segment of the population disinclined to obey the official government.

The so-called “Oregon Occupation” by Ammon Bundy and his crew is a similar operation. If men won’t easily submit to the official government with the standard mask, then let them submit to it with a different mask. There may well be genuine militia types out there, but I assure you that there is not a single organization, regardless how shadowy, that has not been infiltrated and is currently guided by someone who represents the interests of the ruling class. That it may well include real human slaughter is not the point. Should these militia folks actually win, kill a bunch of federal agents or simply drive a popular dissolution of the current system of government, it will still be the same people in charge when the new government is formed. Nothing significant will change.

I note in passing that the ostensibly more responsible militia groups that refuse to participate in this madness are generally not focused on fighting the government so much as protecting the people. They are taking a bigger bite of the shepherd’s call. God works with proximities to His character, not in absolutes; none of us is perfect. Some of these groups have engaged in their own brand of corruption, but they are not the same as the folks involved in the Oregon standoff. If you don’t grasp the difference between rebellion and defense, it’s hard to explain why we haven’t already seen the likes of assassinations of major evil figures in government power. Virtually all the rebels are false flag operators. But while I assert that these more sane organizations are still misguided by their commitment to the visionary propaganda of some American founding fathers, their aims are at least a little closer to divine moral justice than “fertilizing the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

The entire range of political debate in our world today is fake. The folks on the ground may well be genuine believers, but the people who shape this thing are determined to rule and keep their perquisites at all costs. They believe only in themselves, and will say whatever it takes to keep the little people occupied. Sometimes you can tell a politician is fake, using whatever opportunity arises to seize the imagination of the citizenry. But their real passion has nothing to do with the political agenda they espouse; their passion is their own power.

Are you aware that the Republican party leadership would rather have Clinton than Trump? She is on their team; Trump is building a new franchise and they don’t own it. It’s not that Trump is morally better than the existing collection of plutocrats — he’s one of them. He’s simply jockeying for a better position in the game. His opponents fear a genuine loss, but it won’t remove them from their positions of privilege. Their losses would be relative. The corruption and abuse won’t end. It will simply taste different to us as the gravy flows in a different direction for awhile. Give it time; as the new ruling team gets bigger and better structured, the same level of oppression will return with a new flavor.

The teaching in Psalm 82 stands eternally: God has revealed His character as the definition of justice. The fundamental requirement for a blessed life in this fallen world is Eastern feudalism. All other forms of government are blasphemy, rejection of revelation. So long as those in power refuse to honor their divine obligation for love and familial compassion for those they rule, no government is acceptable in His sight. Every other form of human organization is property of Satan.

But let’s follow this a little farther. Perhaps you are familiar with the ugly verbal dispute between the Holocaust Industry and some Revisionist Historians. In much of Europe, for example, you can actually go to jail for saying or writing that you don’t believe the official dogma about the Holocaust — the death and destruction of European Jewish communities leading up to and during WW2.

On the other hand, genuine and honest historical review does not support the government approved dogma. Many are careful to avoid saying Jews didn’t die in the camps in large numbers, for example. Many deny that herding Jews into the work camps was justified in any way. Yet because they don’t repeat the mantra of “Six Million Jews” they are subject to government oppression, notwithstanding the Jews’ own census organization shows that 6 million is about all there was in Europe in the first place.

So as a backlash against this heavy-handed persecution of diseenting voices, we then have this substantial underground anti-Jew movement that not only uses this Revisionist history data, but present various flavors of, “If only we had killed that many; we wouldn’t have half the problems in our world today.” By now you probably understand that this backlash is almost surely funded by various agencies, to include a lot of Zionist money passing under the table.

Do we support the apparently sane Revisionist inquiry into the facts? Not really, because they are calling for a mighty effort to press their arguments and somehow force governments to back off, as if that would make things better. We note in passing what is likely the truth, but none of this is worth more than a nodding acquaintance for us. The outcome of the conflict won’t change anything that matters. The real issue stands where it always stood from back in the Garden of Eden: Who is committing their whole self to embracing the Creator and His revelation? I have yet to meet a single Jew who stands for the heart-led pursuit of God’s glory. I’ve not encountered too many Christians embracing it, either, for that matter.

Whenever and wherever we do find people living with their conscious awareness on that moral plane of the heart, Creation itself calls out to us that we should seek to fellowship and commune with them. Show me one human secular government that promotes heart-led living and I’ll beg for citizenship. All others are unworthy.

So we support neither changing current evil government in Europe, nor do we support the modern State of Israel, nor any other government. And we don’t bother with fighting them, because God is in charge of them through the proxy of Satan, and we don’t engage Satan that way. Christ forbade us from mixing with human politics because He came on the cusp of the final break with God’s direct involvement in human government. The Covenant of Moses died on the Cross with Christ; their rejection of His message was the final incontrovertible proof that it could not be done through a human government. God turned all human politics over to Satan in terms of legal dominion.

As individuals we may seek whatever advantage God grants to us from human governments, but we make no pretense that there is any hope for righteousness there. We were warned to be cynical about even genuine Eastern feudal church government, because we are commanded to be cynical about ourselves. So we seek to keep it small, personal and below the radar of human government notice, as much as possible. However much blessing God offers through His eternal moral Law comes through nothing beyond the congregation of spiritual family in feudal communion.

Everything else is just Satan herding humanity under his dominion. Don’t confront it on Satan’s own terms. Infiltrate on God’s terms.

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0 Responses to In the Cosmic Jail

  1. Jay DiNItto says:

    I watched part of the SOTU address last night, at the gym, while warming up/cooling down on the treadmill. Just watched…I had my iPod fully plugged in. I could tell just by the visuals how much of it is orchestrated (all of it), and not in the “it’s just organized” kind of way. I mean orchestrated in order to elicit an emotional response. People don’t vote rationally…they vote with the lizard-monkey part of their brain, and any televised event will naturally play to that.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Indeed, Jay. If people voted rationally, none of the current elected and high-ranking appointed officials would be outside of prison. On a related note, Obama’s public speeches remind me of past national leaders, some in other countries, whose only real expertise was the art of public manipulation. There’s a whole range of psychology material on this, but it sounds too much like conspiracy theory because the resulting body of knowledge has been misreported precisely to discredit it.