Construction and Renovation Continues

(This post was imported from a separate blog that no longer exists.)

I found a much better theme; it was also much simpler to adjust some of the details. The picture at the top will change from time to time; I will eventually get enough of them to turn on automatic rotation. The fonts it calls up are in this order: Georgia, Palatino, Times, serif.

The static site is where I really invest a lot of time. As promised, I’ve begun reformatting some of my books into plain HTML webpage. I’ve updated the links and formatting of A Course in Biblical Mysticism, added The Mind of Christ and a couple of articles referenced by those books. In part, I’m hoping to emphasize the academic character of the ministry on the static site. Thus, I won’t include the computer or fiction works, just the religion and Bible stuff.

Thanks for stopping by!

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One Response to Construction and Renovation Continues

  1. Linda says:

    Love it!

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