Lotsa Work

Some things on my computer were not working right; I decided to test some alternatives. None of them worked, of course. But instead of running Debian 64-bit, I decided to test the idea of running 32-bit. Seems to work okay, and the PAE kernel extensions allow it to address all the RAM. It meant changing the mixture of software I use because some of it is only available as 64-bit. Such is life. I think I like this better. Besides, in all the mucking around I moved my new USB wired keyboard and mouse connections into a different place and the machine is quicker to find them now.

For now, I’m using the router as my home server. I’m still hoping that DD-WRT developers come up with something less buggy.

And of course it all made me a little stir-crazy, so I went for a ride. Take into consideration we had stiff winds varying between north and northwest. I was riding our Oklahoma River trails and ended up listing into the wind up to 15° at times. It was a lot of work just riding at all, so I didn’t go far and didn’t take any pictures. It was still one whale of a workout.

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