Post-Zionist PTSD

The ineffable moral Law of God calls to all humans. It is not a question of performance, but of commitment. This thing is the nature of love itself; you can’t be drawn to the moral character of God without being overwhelmed by His compassion for His Creation.

We sometimes have to fight the Devil as he drives people against that love. In the process of resisting the darkness, it is inevitable that things we do may serve to bring pain and suffering to those who are wedded to Darkness. There is little we can do about that because we are fortunate indeed to be free ourselves, merely to exercise control over own reactions, never mind whether others can respond to compassion by moving toward the Law. There is no explanation — we have to do it because we simply must.

The justification is the Cross.

What we offer here at Kiln of the Soul is no-strings-attached. Whatever binding this call includes is not our doing. We are also bound. It’s really very easy to operate this way online; it would be tougher in the flesh where we have to fight our own darkness. Compassion drives us to hold you close when that may be the last physical act to do you any good. It’s hard to turn that off when you are driven by the Cross. Here in the virtual realm, it’s easier to keep our hands to ourselves, so to speak.

But it’s still very hard to watch people destroy themselves even in virtual space. It’s compassion that drives us to warn you that clinging to certain things will form a barrier between you and your best interest in moral truth. We can’t decide for you to let it go; we struggle to decide it for ourselves and know all too well what sorrow it brings. This is why we can refuse to shrink from the task of warning you. Sling all the labels you like; we will absorb that and cry in private to Our Lord insofar as it manages to injure us. This compassion is why we would rather help you for even the briefest moment on your inner moral journey, rather than try to hold even the smallest part of you if it holds you back.

I can’t tell you it’s a prophecy, only that I am deeply certain this massive false fortress of Zionism will collapse in fire, burning and poisoning everyone who took refuge in it. Quick reminder: If Zionism was attached to a genuine love of the moral character of God, we would be first in line to sign on as supporters. But Zionism seeks to capture all the blessings with none of the moral responsibilities, so it’s utterly false. It serves a false understanding of God and His revelation. It’s a manifestation of the Synagogue of Satan. We don’t hate the people sucked into that; we pity them for completely missing the sweetness of moral truth. So it cannot stand and God will crush it in the fullness of His divine wrath, and I sense that it comes soon.

We need to prepare in our hearts a virtual hospital for those who escape with their lives. It’s going to be one of the most depressing, bewildering experiences for them. Whether they can appreciate our view on things matters not; they will need our moral healing. I understand it all too well because I was once a part of that. I was driven out but only because I was at that point already alienated. I had the luxury to discover the falseness of it all slowly and deliberately moved out. It still nearly killed me. We can’t estimate how dangerous it will be for those still trapped inside when this thing comes apart more obviously.

So this is a major element in what drives me. And so long as there is a fallen world with fallen men, you can bet there will be slavers running around trying to recapture them with reforged chains of deception. In some way, we should be prepared to immunize them as much as possible against whatever lies are cooked up in the future. We can’t predict with that much precision, but we can certainly make sure the truth itself is fully declared to do its own work in them.

You can join me or you can simply take as much of this as you can use in your own mission. It’s not about growing a visible organization and putting my proud face on something that gets attention. Forget about me but take this truth.

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2 Responses to Post-Zionist PTSD

  1. Pingback: Kiln blog: Post-Zionist PTSD | Do What's Right

  2. Linda says:

    Amen to that song! To be a vessel for the Word from He who loves us all! Oh, sweet Lord, let me be the one! I love it, Pastor. It is so right on and full of Truth to be His servant, for Him to use us as His Voice, His Love! Amen!

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