Eyes of the Soul

See this clearly: The destruction is wholly intentional.

America is coming apart and a handful of people expect to profit greatly from that. Their daily existence is a prayer to Abaddon and Mammon for mass hysteria and the attendant slaughter. It’s not so much hatred for their fellow humans, but a love for their own comfort. As one commenter noted recently here, it’s all about provoking a particular kind of fear and discomfort that allows them to herd people into choices that permit plunder.

The elite love a good race war. For some reason, the conflict between Blacks and Latinos never kicked off. It hasn’t been in the news lately, has it? The primary mechanism was supposed to be gangs, but don’t you love how the elites consistently underestimate the intelligence of gang leaders? There will be turf wars, of course, but the raw slaughter is pointless and the gangs know it. They aren’t willing to be manipulated against each other when they know that there is elite money behind the tension. They’ll seek ways to prey on the elite, instead.

So the elites are stirring other race wars. Indeed, I agree with Milo Yiannopoulos in that the “Black Lives Matter” racket is a supremacy movement. It was born from a violent encounter in which, given the actual facts of the matter, the cop was justified in using force against a criminal act. There’s an awful lot of elite white money behind the protests. And never mind the cops; elites are hoping that a bunch of scared white folks will start shooting a bunch of angry black folks and it will spiral out of control.

And the same elite money has been behind the really bad training and psychological conditioning given to police. The current brainwashing began in the mid-1980s; I read it with my own eyes as the new professional standards in law enforcement planning and training “doctrine” were first published. Provoking a frenzied fearful police presence was the easy part, but I sense the elites were disappointed with how long it took to bear fruit. But it is bearing fruit as today the police consider most random citizens their enemies, at least potentially, and treat them accordingly. The phrase “public service” is one of those quintessential Orwellian reversals of meaning. The public is never allowed to take advantage of anything “publicly owned.”

So the BLM provoked a number of range wars over alleged “public” lands and managed to get one guy to rise up against them a couple of years ago — Cliven Bundy. The Feds were outnumbered and out-gunned at the roundup, but they weren’t finished when they left. They were processing the intel from their planted agents and waited for a proper dramatic moment to spring the trap. In the aftermath of that bogus occupation at the Oregon wildlife refuge, the trap was sprung. It remains to be seen whether the Patriot Underground will respond further, and whether any of it will be genuine. Don’t look for the as-yet un-indicted “conspirators” to call up armed resistance to their prosecution. Too many of those you hear about are fakes. I tend to believe virtually anything making the news reports is ginned up drama, while the genuine resistance to oppression is hushed up.

I’m not the only writer who saw all of this coming, and a lot more besides. You won’t catch me rooting for any party in all of this nonsense. No, it didn’t have to be like this. Very early on, strong moral efforts did arise, only to be squelched by people with money invested in a bad outcome. Racial tension could have been buried long ago — indeed, it mostly was. Progress was slow, but it was progress and folks were generally at peace. You don’t get to hear about all the success stories; there is profit in human misery and tension, so things were stirred up. The standard ration of human misery was blown out of proportion. Outrageous demands were the new order of the day. I assure you virtually all of the political noise from the likes of the Civil Rights Movement has been funded by rich white folks hoping to get richer. They already knew that this kind of stuff could not solve anything; they don’t want a genuine solution.

For the time being, we see how the Internet has allowed at least a modicum of factual reporting and analysis to slip through to the common awareness. Trump would still be hiding in his offices were it not for the Internet. His frankness in rejecting the elite SJW agenda disrupts the manipulation machinery. And it has inspired others to start speaking their minds; check out the newly elected Travis County GOP chairman. Of course, we should look for the elite to eventually hijack this trend.

Will they hijack this blog, too? Here at Kiln of the Soul online parish, we also are wholly resting on the Internet. None of this would be possible without the unrestricted communications between us — unrestricted for now. The very nature of our heart-led teaching prevents us having one single outlook on all of this activity in the news. Instead, we focus on helping people find their own path to the heart-led life. We don’t get involved in this crap, but we sure do try to understand it so we can exploit it all as opportunities for Our Creator’s glory. It’s not that we welcome the suffering, neither at large nor of one side or another, but we make firm plans to compensate and adjust for all these dramatic changes.

Don’t be blind and pretend that these things are random. Don’t be blind and pretend there is some chance of steering things on the right path for society. Don’t be blind in thinking that these things really matter in themselves. Don’t be blind and fear that what you stand to lose is all that important. It’s all context and nothing more. Know it for what it is, and keep your eyes on the mission.

Reach out and touch those who cross your path and offer the solace of heart-led moral truth.

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