Yesterday’s storms were not particular epic for us here in Central Oklahoma. There are two things to consider: flash floods and wind/tornado damage. So our first shot shows the flotsam sitting on the path and standing water in Tom Poore Park. This is part of the Solider Creek Basin, and it floods frequently because there’s no dams or anything on it. This whole basin was originally swampy before it was developed.
And even when the tornadoes don’t touch down, they usually drag stiff straight-line winds along the ground below them. This second image shows a cottonwood after it was cut from these heavy transmission lines. According to the weather radar last night, a tornado cell passed over my favorite farm district up north east of Midwest Boulevard but it seems to have never touched down. So my pictures reflect extraordinary straight-line winds.
It seems almost random. A three here or there, a cluster over there. Then a mile or so of no damage. And while it wasn’t much of a road in the first place, this sign that has been hanging on that gate for years is suddenly quite appropriate.
Most of these were taken in the area of NE 122nd and Post Road, just west of the North Canadian River. I really felt sorry for these folks with half their front yard still attached to that giant tree blown over.
But it wasn’t all bad news. These wild flowers really shot up after the heavy rains. This was up on Memorial Road near Douglas Boulevard.
This last one shows a tree caught in the power lines running to the farm, and the crew told me the power was off until they could get to it.
Wow, weather is so dynamic and powerful! So very grateful the damage, though intense, was limited in scope. And, so grateful y’all fared well.