The Heart of Politics

This is not political commentary, per se, but heart-led moral commentary about politics. God has granted far more insight than I ever dreamed possible, in the sense that it all fits into a discernible pattern for me. I know what to do with it. And it persists as an organic living thing that responds to queries much the same as bouncing choices off the moral convictions. I’ve been called to consider human political shenanigans as a part of some larger driving necessity to help people face the suffering and sorrow of this world with grace.

When I heard that Cruz bailed out of his campaign, I wondered who put a gun to his head. My heart answered that he had a gun to his head a long time ago. Someone finally released him from the charade and he’s being reassigned to other duties. He serves the established shadow government, but I think he would have bailed long ago had the hive-mind allowed it. When you analyze the preposterous things he has been saying recently, you realize he never believed a word of it, but was trying to fulfill a role that really did not fit him. So he bumbled under pressure. I don’t think he ever really wanted it that bad, but he was the best hope of the hive-mind.

Trump doesn’t actually want it either, but what he does want requires the office. He’s more transparent because he can afford it. It’s integral to the mission and to the man-as-product. He’s the merchandise and his business ethics are just good enough that he succeeds and his customers tend to come back for more. That “just good enough” is vastly better than most politicians. He doesn’t want to rule the lives of others; he wants to make the biggest deals he can because that’s the real payoff; that’s what drives him. Viewed from this angle, he stands to play in the biggest, most wide-open market of all. That’s how you’ll need to understand his presidency if things turn out that way.

I struggle for words to indicate just how serious the war between him and bureaucratic hive-mind will be. All the standard handles and levers are missing for both sides. There will be no definitive victory. And even if Trump is assassinated soon, some major element of the shadow government bureaucracy has been stripped of their secrecy cover. In the end, I’m guessing it’s damage control on that front that ended Cruz’s campaign, because his public presence constituted a massive hemorrhage that aggravated the “national security” paranoia of the bureaucracy. The bureaucratic dread of accountability is the foundation of its existence. Without that, there is no hive-mind. Trump may not have a handle on that, but they know he understands its value to them.

But once in office, he can do nothing unless he finds ways to bypass them, and that would require some serious creativity and plain old espionage and dirty tricks. And the hive-mind has some really brilliant minds, too; true believers who follow The Cult. At some point, there will be open warfare between Trump and the bureaucrats.

That’s what I see. Don’t buy my content; see how I use moral heart-reasoning to arrive at some useful and practical conclusions. The real issue is not what actually happens so much as how God wants you to handle such things in your own individual calling. You have to stand where He wants you to stand when the moment comes to shine His glory.

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