Booklet Background

Let’s review some perspective we already know.

Religion is the struggle to answer a spiritual imperative.

Radix Fidem is not actually a religion, but an exercise in meta-religion. We strive to shed light on the process of answering the divine call. Everyone must develop their own religion; it is immoral to pass the job off to someone else. God calls individuals through the heart of convictions, and no other human can decide what God requires of you. What ties us together in communion is a contextual overlap in the results of that individual struggle. Our communion under the name “Radix Fidem” is a simple matter of sharing a certain amount of conviction about how one sets about the task of responding to God.

We all start under the Curse of the Fall. God calls us and we respond from within that context of our first awareness. Something in us comes to life and begins to hunger and thirst for His revelation; we truly want to please Him. It seems only natural that whatever religion grows from that desire will be like any other living thing, always growing and changing as we slowly escape the effects of the Curse. We seek to conform to His divine character and it cannot happen at once. Indeed, the promises in His revelation assume a life dedicated to endless seeking for a closer communion with Him.

But we never walk alone in this world. A critical element in revelation is the assurance that we will share a strong family kinship with others who are determined to please the same God. His revelation is actually quite functional in this matter. We do not allow our impulse to formalize our personal religion to serve as an excuse to push others away. Instead, we seek to discern just what can be shared and cooperate on that basis. Some will be closer than others; sometimes it’s life long and other times only until we are driven in different directions by our individual growth. We don’t cease caring about someone called onto a different path, but we cannot waste our Father’s resources chasing a human relationship that He didn’t grant.

But the purpose was never efficiency or accomplishment as humans measure such things. It was always a matter of shedding just one more layer of death and deception from our lives. It’s about living according to His divine character in communion with the rest of Creation. The mind does not rule; it was meant to serve the moral imperatives of conviction written in our hearts. We seek to conform to the divine character of God, to glorify Him by claiming all the blessings inherent in His revelation.

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0 Responses to Booklet Background

  1. Christine says:

    Wow. Powerful, and oh so radical ..!

    “Everyone must develop their own religion; it is immoral to pass the job off to someone else” – that’s chutzpah! And I so agree. I’ve always felt it to be so.

    ” to glorify Him by claiming all the blessings inherent in His revelation.” – that looks at first glance like more chutzpah! But to shy away from the blessings He offers, whether through some false sense of humility or whatever conditioning we’re under, is to argue with God!

    Sorry about all the exclamation marks, but that was a dynamite little post!