Political Failure

God reigns and supports no existing political party; He simply uses human political activity to carry out His plans on earth. However, His Law Covenants make it clear that if you want Him to actually bless your political activity, you need to make Him a party to them. And the only way He’ll participate is as Lord over an Eastern feudal setting. In other words, God’s politics are in the family.

It’s not as if families can’t fail. Instead, if there is one social and political structure that stands a chance of God’s approval, it starts with the family, and families work best adhering to ANE feudal customs.

All other political structures always fail. They all bear the seeds of their own destruction. That’s because they all have some kind of goal, some endeavor to change this world. Families don’t need a goal; the family itself is the only cause the matters. But non-family political efforts are inherently flawed in one way or another. You cannot come up with a political dream that isn’t broken and subject to God’s wrath in the long run.

You’ve seen it all before. At the lower end of the scale, someone comes up with a dream to fix something and invite others to get involved. They are the underdogs, up against the system. Those that succeed at all do so only by making a space in the mainstream or by hijacking the mainstream, but sooner or later they become the mainstream. Once they do, they are now forced to defend against some other underdog. The former revolutionaries are now conservative bureaucrats. It’s not about the people, but their relative position in the system.

Families may strive to change their situation, but the purpose is not the change they seek, but the prosperity of the family. Next week might see some other campaign on behalf of the family. And a covenant family is still a family, if the members can truly commit the way families do by instinct.

Have you noticed that way too many churches don’t act like families, but more like political movements?

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0 Responses to Political Failure

  1. forrealone says:

    Have you noticed that way too many churches don’t act like families, but more like political movements?

    Amen to that, brother! Such a sad waste of Holy possibilities. As you have said so many times before: it’s all about the power and the money. And, in many cases, they know it!