Eldership Notes

You really don’t need me to tell you. Most of you know that God is at work and bringing truly substantial changes in our world. And while the mainstream media is trumpeting one kind of change, what really matters morally will not be reported in the news. Many of us are seeing the hand of God make big changes in our own lives all at the same time, and that’s what really matters.

Regular readers know all about some of my big changes, with the bicycle collision and then my cardiac problems. I’ve told you that long bike rides are out, but that heart-led photography is even more in, so it means I’ll be roaming the countryside some other way. Lord willing, I’ll have some other means of travel in the near future and I’ll be ranging much farther out. I’d love to take pictures of stuff all over this state because it’s mostly rural and geography varies greatly. Further, there are some fascinating archaeological puzzles, many left behind by the prehistoric native tribes. Ancient religion goes deep here. A few discoveries are utterly inexplicable. You’d have to see them to understand what I mean, and I want to bring them to you in photos. (And I would love to go camping!)

But have you noticed that some of my teaching is starting to get repetitive? Yeah. While I fully expect to keep learning and discovering to my last breath, it doesn’t mean I can dish up new and fresh teaching on all of it. As noted in the last post of that series on My Father’s World, there is simply far too much that requires you get it without words. It’s caught, not taught. I could easily keep writing the same old stuff day after day, but I sense God has other plans.

I’m not sure what to expect for blogging in the future. I’ve already warned that the Internet use is changing dramatically, but I cannot predict much of that. I know what I’m supposed to do with networking technology in some ways, but I can’t help you with any kind of detailed analysis of what you’ll experience. But it will change, and I want you to contemplate what we share here together, and consider taking a light grip on things. This virtual parish is unlikely to disappear, but it will most certainly take some surprising turns. We can’t pretend the current routine will continue endlessly. I’m doing what I can to preserve what we’ve accomplished, but if what we shared here means anything, we should have already absorbed most of that beyond mere intellectual learning. So I’m preparing my mind to respond and identify ways to exploit any sudden changes for the glory of the Lord.

Why doesn’t He tell us in advance? Because it’s not a question of efficiency and getting things done. It’s a question of each of us experiencing the right thing at the right moment to understand Him better. We are the battlefield, and telling us too much too early would not work out right for His glory. God’s sense of timing is more like the ripening of fruit rather than meeting a production schedule.

Any way, this is a really good time to ask questions, because the writing may slow down otherwise. You should expect a lot more frivolous stuff and less of the heavy teaching, unless there’s something you need to ask.

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0 Responses to Eldership Notes

  1. forrealone says:

    “You should expect a lot more frivolous stuff unless there’s something you need to ask ”

    Well, for me, anything I find on this blog is a blessing because I love you and it’s my way of keeping up with you and enjoying your comoany. It is very comforting and has become a part of my daily routine to see what you have to share. Whether it be something really deep, interesting or at times funny, it means a lot to me!

    • Ed Hurst says:

      That, dear Sister, is the bottom line. That’s what this online parish must do at a minimum: We need to keep this fellowship alive.